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This is the final chapter of Fantasy within KHR Book one. Book two will be available in January with the same title. I haven't started writing it yet. Thank you all for reading, commenting and voting on my book.

This ending chapter is dedicated to this person for her continuous comments Crazy-Blue05.

It was now Monday, the weekend of training was over and all those in Cielo's mansion had arrived on the Academy's campus. Today was a special day, that's right it was valentines day. Soon the first set of classes ended and it was Lunch time. After Lunch classes were cancelled so the others could go around and deliver their chocolates to their valentines.

Cielo's entire group came to have lunch on the roof much to the ire of Kyoya who loved peace and quiet. Poor Kyoya learned that if he was going to be around this group he must learn to cope with all the noise, ruckus, and their misdeeds because this group was disaster in the making.

Bianchi was the one who made lunch but she didn't join them because she was a part of the staff, Futta and Lambo went to have Lunch with their friend Ipin who was in their class and the student of the Storm Arcobaleno Fon.

Cielo who sat alone at one of the tables beneath the roof Umbrellas didn't care much about anything the group was doing besides eating his lunch in silence and peace. Well today so happened to be one of the days he wasn't going to have any peace because three unwanted guests showed up.

The three were Reborn, Sawada Leymitsu, and Sawada Ieyoshi. The two brothers came at the request of Reborn because he had said it was very important, and if they were to disobey their punishments was going to be a one way trip to hell.

All eyes stopped what they were doing and focused on the three intruders. Everyone here already knew, scratch that, everyone in the entire school knew that the ice prince Cielo highly hated the heir of Vongola and they had clashed many times before. The group wondered why the Sun Arcobaleno brought the Sawada brothers here knowing that Cielo was also here.

" Cielo. Welcome back to school. You weren't here for a week and yet you manage to expand your group. Do you know everyone in the school is calling your Mansion the Mansion of Guardians? Your group don't have a sky, and it so happens that my student's temporary guardians are not up to scratch. I have a preposition.". Reborn greeted him as he took a seat at Cielo's table.

" Not interested.", Cielo replied shortly. Reborn seemed not to have payed attention to his refusal as he continued, " Why don't you and your group join the Vongola heir. I know you have some dislike for my student, I am sure we can come to a compromise. With you I am sure my student will change for the better and actually become a completely different person capable of inheriting the throne."

" Sun Arcobaleno refrain from speaking for just a moment.", Cielo responded. Surprisingly Reborn did. Maybe it was because something in those cold blue eyes gave him a warning which he took. Cielo closed his eyes and kept quiet for a while before he opened them once more.

" About this matter we have nothing else to discuss with each other, so please leave.", Cielo said coolly. Now this was rather an unacceptable thing to say to someone with Reborn's identity.

He was a part of the Arcobalenos' secret order, he was a very skilled hitman ranked at the very top, he was a trusted friend of the Vongola king the most powerful king of them all, and now the personal instructor of the current heir to the throne.

It was unacceptable indeed that a student of unknown origin and no apparent power to back it up was speaking to him like this and giving him commands. If it was anyone else Reborn would have maybe shot them with a bullet where it hurt the most, but something told him that this individual was best made a friend of more than an enemy, even if it proved to be difficult.

" If you say so at the moment, but I believe you can change your mind. I am not a pushover and you will discover that I am not a person that gives up on anything I lay my eyes on.", Reborn smirked devilishly as he got up and was about to leave when a certain idiot made his move.

" Is that it. You drag us here to see him. Who is he? He is just some sewer rat from some backwater alley lucky enough to have a rare type of flame. Yet here you are bootlicking him when I am obviously the better choice. Who needs him to be my guardian anyway? Bet his family thought he was good for nothing and sent him here just to get rid of him.", Leymitsu mindlessly mocked Cielo.

Well everyone knew that was a dumb move, but before they could all blink an eye there was a crash and a bloodcurdling scream. The scream came from Leymitsu whose head Cielo had smashed onto the concrete floor without enough force to shatter his skull, but he will suffer a minor concoction after this, and his nose was broken since it was slightly crooked and bleeding.

Cielo stomped down on the back of his head with his foot so he tasted the concrete. Those who were present on the roof knew that he was truly angry this time, not because of his deadly killer intent or the freezing air around him, but because his usual indifferent expression was gone and replaced by one of anger. For someone who doesn't express emotions they knew that he was really mad.

" Sawada Leymitsu how many times have it been since I warned you to stay away from me? I cannot suppress my desire to kill you whenever you are in my presence. I warned you because I will mindlessly endanger those in close proximity whenever you are around. I warned you to spare others the trouble."

" I said many times that I am not a kind person. The last time during the duel I clearly remembered myself telling you that I don't believe in family yet you had the gall to mention it in front of me."

"You don't learn do you? Well get it in your thick skull, I HATE YOU SAWADA LEYMITSU STAY AWAY FROM ME, because if you so much as cross the line again I might cut out your tongue and not even your teacher will be able to stop me.", Cielo's voice was as cold as the murderous air around him.

" Cielo.", Takeshi called. He was right behind Cielo, having been the only one who approached the pair. That one call that was so calm relaxing and soothing to the ear entered Cielo's mind and acted like a cool refreshing breeze that blew away all negative thoughts.

Takeshi was a Rain flame user and those with this flame was good at calming others. Cielo dispersed his killer intent and removed his foot from the back of the unconscious Leymitsu's head. He didn't turn around but walked away to the direction of the stairs.

" I apologize for disturbing your lunch. Please bring along my school bag back to the Mansion. Thank you Takeshi.", with that he was down the stairs and out of sight. They watched him as he departed, and just then it came to their mind that something wasn't quiet right with him. Those from his Mansion knew that all too well, and in that moment they knew that if they all stayed by his side one day soon they will know who this mysterious ice prince truly was.


The End of Fantasy Within KHR[Book one]...

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