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" After him! Don't let him go, or else Lord Shiva will punish us!", Alarms sounded. Demons of all kinds created a tight crowd as they chased down one lone individual with weapons and flames.

This individual was a fifteen year old male with long white hair that flowed in the cold harsh wind as he ran away as swift as the speed of sound. He was dressed in a white top and a white bottom.

The moon above was red casting the land below in a sinister red light. The land was strange in itself. The ground was black made from obsidian rocks and there were many cracks. Inside the cracks churning magma bubbled up.

There were dark forests nearby with clusters of strange trees and monsters residing within. The trees could strangle you and gobble you up just as a demon or a monster would devour a human.

There were pathways and statues littered here and there and dungeons that were as tall as sky scrapers. There were cemeteries with dark and gloomy air, and fields of demonic flowers planted on white skeletal bones.

There were flowers that could suck your blood, make you fall into an endless nightmare, and many more dangerous ones.

In the direction where the Demons and the albino was coming from lied a magnificent and magical castle on top of a belching Volcano. Infront of them in the distance was what looked like a platform with a twisting wormhole in space.

This Albino who was heading for the space wormhole was none other than Cielo or by his birth name Sawada Tsunayoshi. His skin that had not been exposed to sunlight for four years was flawless and snow white.

His face was slightly mature, but held a princely charm to it since he was handsome and all with his bright red lips. His cold blue eyes kept up his ice prince appearance.

Cielo jumped over a cliff as he levitated in the air with his sky flames. He turned to the approaching Demons and said chillingly, " Serving Lord Shiva means throwing away your life. Well since you are all so adamant I will bring you all to your graves."

He closed his eyes and he appeared in a dark place with a blood red plant. The plant was illuminated by nine different color flames, it was chained down with long sturdy chains that were frozen. A seal was on the chain, the seal was the blue tattoo on Cielo's back.

Touching the chain he removed the seal, the chain released the plant. Cielo whispered, " A Demonic seed yet not bloom. Blossom soul for I have undone the seal that has locked you."

The moment the words left his lips he opened his once blue eyes that had now become red. Red symbols appeared below his eyes. His attire changed into a scarlet, black and gold themed armour with matching boots and gloves.

A pair of black leathery wings unfolded behind him. A black crown in the shape of two small curved demonic horns appeared on his head nestled in his white hair. This was Cielo's Demonic form.

A black orb appeared in front of him and became a scepter with the orb at it's end. The orb lit up with red light as Cielo waved it and pointed it to the approaching Demons, " Meteorite shower!"

Flaming rocks appeared in the sky and rained down on the Demons as if it was an apocalypse. While the Demons perished under the onslaught Cielo who had his ordinary appearance again finally made it to the space wormhole.

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