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Leymitsu was busy playing by himself on a heap of toys and gadgets his parents bought solely for him. Leymitsu looked up as Tsuna silently entered. Tsuna knelt down infront of him and asked, " Ley-kun did your Tsu-nii ever do anything to hurt you? If no then why did you lie?"

" Tsu-nii? You don't deserve to be called that after what you did the day you were born. Mama and papa told me last night. I always wondered why they hate you so much. Now I know I don't want anything to do with you. You deserved to be hated and I will never love you again.", Leymitsu said harshly.

Tsuna could no longer ignore the pain in his heart. The only part left untouched had also crumbled and began to freeze. He was now numb but still a single tear escaped from his eyes as he remembered the promise his brother made to him.

His soundings became blurry as he heard his and his brother's voice inside his head.

" Tsu-nii why does mama and papa hate you so much when you are so kind and nice to me?", three year old Leymitsu asked as he walked across his playroom. He had just learnt to walk recently.

" Ley-kun your Tsu-nii did something very bad the day he was born and our mama and papa never forgave him. Do you hate me as well?", four year old Tsuna asked with a sad smile.

" Ley-kun will never hate Tsu-nii no matter what. Tsu-nii will always be my big brother no matter what he did. I will always be there for my Tsu-nii. I promise and I will never break my promise to Tsu-nii.", Leymitsu crossed his fingers as he jumped up and down.

" Do you really mean it Ley-kun?", Tsuna asked this time with a brighter smile. Leymitsu nodded and looked cute and honest.

" Then if there was ever a day that I have to risk my own life to save yours I will.", Tsuna had whispered this so Leymitsu never heard it.

Tsuna came back to the present and was startled to see Leymitsu right in his face. His strong Intuition warned him of something dangerous but he didn't believe his brother was dangerous. How wrong he was!

Leymitsu took a knife he had kept under his pile of toys he directly stabbed it into his brother's heart. Then his parents appeared out of nowhere and helped him push the knife further into Tsuna's heart. Tsuna didn't scream nor cried. He just stared at them blankly before he closed his eyes and made darkness take over him.

" He died without screaming. I wanted to hear him scream.", Nana complained. Iemitsu hugged her and said, " No worries Nana. He is finally dead and out of our lives. Well done Ley-kun. I better call Estraneo and sell the body to them for a nice amount of money."

" Mama and papa I am glad that I stabbed big brother he won't make you guys sad again.", Leymitsu hugged his parents.

They were so happy they didn't realize that Tsuna was still breathing, even if it was barely, and there was no blood from his wound since where the knife stabbed was sealed by a frosty blue light, there was blood on the knife though.

The reason for this was that is heart was literally encased in ice so only the tip of the knife had pierced his heart. Before he became completely unconscious he heard what his parents and brother said.

His body was wrapped up in a cloth as it was driven off somewhere. Then it was taken away on a plane and he never came back here to Namimori Japan until many years later, and not as Sawada Tsunayoshi.

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