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There was a section of Namimori Japan where beautiful Mansions could be seen here and there. Just yesterday the neighborhood noticed that one of these expensive Mansions were bought out of no where. Well it was no surprise since quite a few of these Mansions were already inhabited by wealthy families.

This Mansion's location was a distance away from the others and right next to Namimori's famous park. The Mansion was already furnished with modern furnitures and everything and needed nothing in addition so no one got to see any movers or the family that was going to live there.

This Mansion was Cielo's new home. He had bought it online while on his flight to Japan yesterday. He had also filled up an application form yesterday online as well to start attending Namimori Academy of Flames today.

He was sent his school uniforms and text books in the mail yesterday and was asked to arrive at the school before it started so he could sign some papers face to face for the late application when the school term started back in September. He was also asked to come in and verify what type of flames he had.

Cielo dressed in his new Uniform and and school bag before leaving for school. He did not forget to put on his watch which was his shape shifting laptop. The time was 6am and he reached the school 6:15am after walking from his house.

School didn't start until 8am. He walked pass the regular Namimori high right next to the Academy. Opening the doors he made his way to the secretary's office. He knocked and entered when he heard the reply, “ Come in.”

Cielo observed the secretary keenly the moment he entered the office. The secretary looked like a five year old child dressed in a blue suit and wearing heels and make up. She had shoulder length dark blue hair, dark reddish brown eyes, and tan skin. She had a flame shape scar on her right cheek, and was also wearing a pale blue pacifier.

Oh her desk her name was written on a plaque. It read; Lal Mirch CEDEF. Seeing her pacifier Cielo knew she wasn't a child, but an adult in the body of a child.

“ Good day Madam Mirch.”, Cielo greeted in Japanese using his usual indifferent voice. Lal raised an eyebrow before saying, “ Please take a seat. There is another transferee from Italy this morning as well, seems he is running late.”

Just as Cielo seated himself someone knocked on the door. Lal asked them to come in and a silver hair teen with emerald eyes and dressed in the Academy's uniform entered the office.

“ Morning sorry for coming late.”, the silver hair teen said in Japanese as well. He resembled a delinquent in all the word.
“ You are not that late Mr. Gokudera Hayato. You are the second transfer student from Italy. Meet Mr. Cielo.”, Lal assured him.

“ The name is Gokudera Hayato. ”, Hayato said taking a seat.
“ Cielo.”, Cielo said shortly.

“ First let me explain before you proceed to the paper works. This Academy was founded by all the allied Kingdoms of Vongola, including the Kingdom of Vongola itself.

“ Thus it is no surprise that royalties attend this school. Nobles and Commoners also attend from all across the world since anyone who owns a flame or more than one flame will be accepted here.

“ The Royalties don't look down on the Nobles and Commoners since they need guardians and elements that harmonize with their sky flames. All Royalties must have the Sky flame.”, Lal started her explanation.

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