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When Tsuna was placed in the tank of black fluid he became conscious for a bit but he was only able to see darkness around him. He couldn't feel, taste, touch, hear, or see anything except darkness. Because of this he was stuck in a semi conscious state, not unconscious but not fully awake.

Having nothing to do within his mind he was left to watch over the scenes of his childhood until the moment he was injected by Alexandre. Imagine reliving such traumatic memories in a dark place all alone. It did nothing but let his hatred grow to another degree.

His memories played before his eyes like a recorded tape.

" Tsu-nii why does mama and papa hate you so much when you are so kind and nice to me?", three year old Leymitsu asked as he walked across his playroom. He had just learnt to walk recently.

" Ley-kun your Tsu-nii did something very bad the day he was born and our mama and papa never forgave him. Do you hate me as well?", four year old Tsuna asked with a sad smile.

" Ley-kun will never hate Tsu-nii no matter what. Tsu-nii will always be my big brother no matter what he did. I will always be there for my Tsu-nii. I promise and I will never break my promise to Tsu-nii.", Leymitsu crossed his fingers as he jumped up and down.

" Do you really mean it Ley-kun?", Tsuna asked this time with a brighter smile. Leymitsu nodded and looked cute and honest.

" Then if there was ever a day that I have to risk my own life to save yours I will.", Tsuna had whispered this so Leymitsu never heard it.

" He died without screaming. I wanted to hear him scream.",

" No worries Nana. He is finally dead and out of our lives. Well done Ley-kun. I better call Estraneo and sell the body to them for a nice amount of money."

" Mama and papa I am glad that I stabbed big brother he won't make you guys sad again."

" Oh good you are awake. We ran a few tests and managed to discover that you are capable of storing flames inside your body. You already have one that is protecting your heart. We call it Ice flames since it freezes things and it's the first time we saw it."

" Your parents just attempted to murder you then sold you to a lab that experiment on children no wonder you don't feel like talking."

" You are trying to get inside my head aren't you? There is no need for that, you can experiment on me all you want it's not like I care."

" Sawada Tsunayoshi, I think you and I will be great friends I just hope you turn out to be a successful experiment and not a failure. My name is Alexandre the head scientist of the Estraneo famiglia branches."

" Do not call me by that name ever again or I swear there will be a day that I kill you for it."

" Number 27. Kill these failures for me. The cleaning up crew has their hands full and these little brats are going to stink up the place."

" Burn and be free from worldly miseries."

Is this my ending? Tsuna asked himself as he spent weeks after weeks in that forgotten tank.

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