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He started walking by the Mansion after that, but he made sure he was not seen. The weekend came to an end without a major argument from Hibari's Mansion except for a few words of displeasure from his parents about everything they could find to possibly complain about Kyoya.

On Monday Cielo started paying more attention to Kyoya. He would sit and eat his lunch on the roof while Kyoya did the same. They were far apart but Cielo's keen eye bird view and sharp ears scanned Kyoya for even the slightest change.

Finding none, since Kyoya was slightly like him masking his emotions and thoughts from the outside world, Cielo finished his Lunch and left. During their Lunch breaks on the roof everyday Kyoya also observed Cielo and found that they had a few similarities.

Cielo walked down the stairs that lead back inside the Academy from the roof. As he came down the last stair someone almost bumped into him but didn't seem to notice since they were in a hurry to meet up with someone else. It was Yamamoto Takeshi.

Takeshi waved at someone not so far away, " Leymitsu wait!"
Cielo stopped in his tracks as he turned to watch as Takeshi met up with Leymitsu.

" Leymitsu we have been friends from Namimori High and though I have transferred here three years before you we are still friends right? We are even apart of the same baseball team. I must say since you join this semester we have been doing great.

" I have some problem and could use your advice. I don't feel like asking anyone else since I don't want them to know.", Takeshi told Leymitsu.

" What is so important that you came to me for advice?", Leymitsu queried.

Takeshi scratched the back of his neck as he revealed, " I am in a very bad position right now. I was told that my grades are too abysmal so if I don't improve I will be taken off the team.

" Lately I have also been doing poorly in Baseball too and was told if I don't improve I will be taken off the team. What do you think I should do?"

" What is there to be worried about? It's just baseball and school work. You aren't as perfect as me but you can do anything perfectly if you do it over and over again. In other words practice and study until you become perfect.", Leymitsu confidently said.

" That sounds like it could work. Thanks for your help.", Takeshi thanked him as he ran right pass Cielo again. The moment Takeshi disappeared Leymitsu laughed, " What a slow idiot. Being friends with him? Oh please.

" People just say they want to be my friends with me since they want my position. Yamamoto Takeshi is just a no good idiot, I only want to strip off some of his limelight and popularity for myself, since he serves no other purpose. Hahaha."

Little did he know that at that exact moment Takeshi had stopped and turned back to invite him to have lunch with him and heard every word he had said.

Takeshi turned away with a smile paste onto his face. Like the usual smiles he wore everyday this one was fake. He went off to have lunch alone.

Apart from Cielo who was watching Reborn was also nearby and observed everything unfolding in front of him. He sighted deciding to have a talk with his student. From his hiding place he felt a chilly sensation and looked towards the stairs only to see a familiar figure walking away. Cielo didn't even give him a backward glance.

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