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Tsuna laughed softly as he still cried, " I am no innocent kid who haven't taken lives before. I have taken the live of over one hundred children since I was just five. Being the cold blooded murderer I am even I find your actions this night despicable and vulgar.

For you killed them for me, while I killed those children because no one else would free them and show them the gates of heaven to which their sorrowful souls yearned for."

" Now since you have angered me and took their lives from them stand still while I harvest your lives you VILE CREATURES OF THE NETHERWORLD!", Tsuna yelled as he crushed the heart and ignited all nine of his flames.

His flames burned bright and beautifully as his irises glowed with the nine colors of his flames. He looked like an angel with white hair, snow white skin, glowing eyes, and beautiful rainbow flames.

The demon screamed as he was consumed by Tsuna's flames. He wore a chilling grin that was unsettling, " Yes. Please scream, let your torment give peace to these poor souls that you killed tonight."

" You!", the other four demons were outraged. Tsuna turned to them, " Impatient and can't wait to die? Don't worry I haven't forgotten about you "

Tsuna appeared in front and behind them as quick as lightning as he ripped their hearts from them then incinerate them alive. Against a furious Tsunayoshi these five reapers of Lord Shiva were new born babies.

" Go on your way vile creatures, and soon your Lord Shiva will join you in your eternal torment down in hell I promise you.", Tsuna said as the last one died. Tsuna then glanced at Luke, Lucas, and Luce who stared at him as if they had seen a ghost.

" I guess I scared you all pretty badly my apologies. I must also apologize for the needless deaths I caused tonight since I knew what was happening around me, I was trapped in a nightmare and couldn't find my way out.

I screamed and yelled but I was still locked there and no one was there to let me out. I am so very sorry I hope you can forgive me.", Tsuna said and bowed to them.

" Cielo Kun. Please don't blame yourself for what you were unable to control. Please come here for a moment.", Lucas said kindly. Tsuna moved over to the two brothers' side. They were dying and there was nothing he could do about it since it was too late.

Tsuna brushed Luke's hair out of his face as he slowly opened his eyes. Seeing hum so close Luke smiled, " Cielo Kun I am so happy you are safe. You are so strong too and have nine type of flames that took down the demons. As your teacher I am so proud of you."

" I am also happy you are safe Cielo Kun, and also very proud.", Lucas smiled.
" And as a thank you for giving up your life to protect mine I will now introduce myself. I am Sawada Tsunayoshi, older son of Sawada Iemitsu and Sawada Nana. Also I am the older brother of Sawada Leymitsu. I am from Namimori Japan.", Tsuna said.

" Sawada!?", the two brothers said shell shocked for a certain reason. But Tsuna missed this tiny detail as he explained, " Yes but I hate the name. My parents and brother attempted to kill me when they stabbed me in my heart then sold me off to Estraneo since they believed that I was dead."

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