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The Shimon Kingdom's heir and his guardians:

Enma Kozato. Shimon heir. Age 15. Class xx. Earth flames. Holder of the Shimon Earth Ring. His social skills are poor, shy demeanor, smart, kind, can be friendly, powerful, and he loves his family (referring to guardians). He has red hair and red eyes, with his pupils shaped like the four pointers of a compass.

Kouyou Aoba. Enma's Forest guardian. Age 15. Class xx. Forest flames. Holder of the Shimon Forest Ring. Loves boxing, love girls, loyal to his family, overprotective of his family, gets in trouble often since he can be rash. He has green hair, red eyes, and wears a cool pair of sun glasses.

Julie Kato. Enma's Desert guardian. Age 15. Class xx. Dessert flames. Holder of the Shimon Dessert Ring. Carefree and relaxed, like games, like girls, playful, a slacker, always wears a smile, often times lazy, honest, and very powerful. He wears a white hat and large frame glasses that covered his red eyes.

Shitt p. Enma's Swamp guardian. Age 14. Class xx. Swamp flames. Holder of the Shimon Swamp Ring. Intelligent, confident, great pride, likes to be called shitopi chan, loves accessories and her family. Everyday she dyes her hair a different color which was cut and put on makeup. She has red eyes and wears sun glasses.

Rauji Oyama. Enma's Mountain guardian. Age 16. Class xxi. Mountain flames. Holder of the Shimon Mountain Ring. kind, soft, smart, powerful, and protects his family. Has a large built body for his age, a bulbous nose, thick lips, golden brown hair, and red eyes.

Adelheid Suzuki. Enma's Glacier guardian. Enma's second in command. Age 16. Class xxi. Glacier flames. Holder of the Shimon Glacier Ring. Strict, reliant, loyal, smart, take cares of her family, friendly, funny, a mother hen, and quiet powerful. She is slender with a large bust, has black hair combed in a ponytail and red eyes.

Kaoru Mizuno. Unknown Earth guardian for Enma (the name of his flame was yet to be discovered). Age 16. Class xxi. Unknown Earth Flame. Holder of the Shimon Unknown Earth Ring. Shy, timid, powerful, and likes to make friends. He his tall and muscular with red eyes and blonde hair.

The heir of Varia Kingdom and his guardians:

Xanxus De Varia. Varia's heir. Age 15. Class xx. Sky (wrath) flames. Holder of the Varia Sky Ring. Smart, short tempered, looks down on everyone calling them 'trash' but he respects those who are strong including his family (guardians). He Knows the importance of family. He likes tasty food such as his favorite Steak. He often sneaks out to drink wine. He is powerful in his own rights. He has spiky hair.

Superbia Squalo. Xanxus's Rain guardian. Xanxus's second in command. Age 15. Class xx. Rain flames. Holder off the Varia Rain Ring. He has a loud personality addressing persons either by 'scum' or 'brat'. He is loyal, friendly, intimidating, and aspire to be a sword emperor. He likes swordsmanship and loves to fight with anyone he deem a worthy opponent. He has long silver hair, silver eyebrows, silver eyelashes, and light gray eyes.

Belphegor. Xanxus's Storm guardian. A prince from a very far away Kingdom that supposedly no longer exist. Age 15. Class xx. Storm flames. Holder of the Varia Storm Ring. He is very friendly, he always wears a smile, a battle maniac, and his distinct laugh was "Shi-shi-shi!". His weapon of choice is knives. He becomes more fiercer/excited upon seeing his own blood during a battle. He has short blonde hair with long bangs that covered his eyes and wears a silver tiara on the left side of his head.

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