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Not knowing that Cielo had learned the secrets that could cause a disaster that can end all three worlds Lord Shiva carried on torturing the child each day and took pleasure in it.

One day Lord Shiva came into the dungeon where Cielo was being kept with a small wooden box. Inside the box was a bright glowing gem shaped like a seed. He forced Cielo to swallow it informing him that it was a Demonic seed that was going to grant him a Soul of a Demon.

Then Lord Shiva left. He had missed the glowing blue light coming from the tattoo on Cielo's back. Cielo closed his eyes and appeared in a dark space where he saw a small red plant with a small root and two young leaves.

The plant was illuminated by nine different color flames, it was chained down with long sturdy chains that were frozen. A seal was on the chain, the seal was the blue tattoo on Cielo's back.

A voice echoed in Cielo's mind, " If you want to release the soul of the demon sealed by your ice flames you must say these words; A Demonic seed yet not bloom. Blossom soul for I have undone the seal that as locked you"

The voice continued, " To reseal your Demon form say these words; Ice reseal!"

Cielo opened his eyes only to see Lord Shiva Infront of him.
" Cielo Kun, soon and very soon you will be one of us. Hahaha.", Lord Shiva said.

But Lord Shiva began to have doubts a few months later when he saw no changes within Cielo. He wasn't taken over by the soul of the demon he planted within Cielo, nor could he feel the presence of any demonic activity inside Cielo.

What he didn't know was due to the mark on Cielo's back and the Demonic seed inside him he was able to unlock his flames and regain his powers little by little. He concealed the presence of his reawaken flames so Lord Shiva wouldn't be suspicious.

On the night he became fifteen marking four years since he was imprisoned and tortured by the Demon Lord Shiva, Cielo activated his flames and escaped the Dungeon. He chose that night specifically, because Shiva wasn't in his Castle for he was in another Domain and was attending a very important meeting with the other Demon Lords.

The Demons became aware after a while that the prisoner had escaped and they chased him towards the space wormhole. Cielo had released the seal on the Demonic seed and soul inside him taking on his Demon form for the first time since the seed was planted inside him.

He escaped successfully with the secrets that could change or end all three worlds, including a demon soul of his very own.

The present

Knowing that Lord Shiva will be angry and probably send Demons to hunt him down he decided to return to the place he never wanted to return to, Namimori Japan. He was going there to attend Namimori Academy of Flames since his late teacher recommended it years ago.

As Ciel he had movers empty his apartment in Italy and store everything in an empty Warehouse belonging to him before booking a flight to Japan.

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