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" Hahahaha. Master summoned me to fight this puny human. This will end before I can even have fun." Xia roared with laughter. Surprisingly this undead Minatour could talk and had its own consciousness. When demonic arts are involve almost anything is possible.

" How absolutely disappointing.", Kaito sneered as he sheated one of his twin swords. He ran his fingers on the sword in his hands and the blade became covered in frost. He swung it a few times and was satisfied. He looked at Xia and pointed the sword at him in a provoking manner.

Xia charged at him on all fours. The road shook as he made each step. He arrived in front of Kaito and slammed down both hands wanting to crush Kaito into a meat paste. His hands went right through Kaito.

He immediately knew something went horribly wrong as he thought, 'An after image. Where did he go?' A bloodcurdling scream shattered the silence. A frost covered blade protruded from Narcissus stomach. It came from behind and the one holding it was naturally Kaito.

Behind Narcissus something was moving from inside her body into the sword and into Kaito's body. No one saw this since he had specifically stabbed her from the back for this very reason.

This red energy coming from Narcissus that had entered Kaito's body was led somewhere. It entered the sealed demonic plant that was inside Kaito's consciousness. This plant was the Demonic soul sealed within Cielo(remember Cielo and Kaito are one).

When the red energy came in contact with the plant it grew a few more inches and flower buds started growing on it. In the outside world Narcissus screamed as she felt herself getting weaker and almost numb.

The ice flame on this sword was no ordinary flames, besides that was not even it's right name(but that is for another time). Kaito drew out his sword and sent Narcissus crashing into Xia who was quickly approaching.

" Master! Are you ok?", Xia inquired. " Take me back to the Demon realm, I will be fine. I already completed my mission.", Narcissus said hoarsely. Besides feeling weaker she was truthfully fine. Without another word Xia vanished along with the dark clouds overhead.

As the first light of dawn the three toddlers stared at the back of the person in white suit holding a sword with demonic blood flowing off it. All the blood slid off not leaving one drop to stain his sword. Kaito turned to face them and threw two objects at them as he disappeared in a burst of mist flames.

Before he completely disappeared he left them a message, " The Demoness will discover that the Sky pacifier is no longer on her person, so I advise you to reunite it with your Sky as soon as possible.

The box contains an antidote for most poisonous in the Demon realm, it will give her immunity to the poison inside her. Also, don't look for me, I am just returning a favor that's all."

The two said objects was the Sky pacifier on its chain and a small wooden box with a round pink pill inside. They didn't know who he was, but as he said before he was just returning a favor. As for the fact if they could trust him, they all had their own thoughts. First they will return to their Sky.

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