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Tsuyoshi silently observed Cielo and Cielo did not break the silence. Finally Tsuyoshi formally introduced himself and thanked Cielo, " I am Yamamoto Tsuyoshi, the father of Takeshi. On behalf of my son and myself I thank you from the bottom of my heart for saving my son from certain demise Cielo Kun."

" No need to thank me. All I did was use your son's stupidity to show this world that Humans are not worth the effort of saving and it would do the world good if it was destroyed.", Cielo commented.

Not sure of the cryptic message and the indifferent attitude he had while saying it made Tsuyoshi scratch his head obviously exasperated.

" Anyways Cielo Kun I must really thank you. As for the matter of Takeshi staying here I hope it won't be of any inconvenience to you. I must bid my goodbye now. It was nice meeting you both Cielo Kun and Hayato Kun.", Tsuyoshi said giving a slight bow.

Hayato saw him out. When Hayato returned he saw Cielo just about to go up the stairs with a tray of food for Takeshi. On the tray was a golden card.

" Cielo why not let me since maybe he is still a little scared by you?", Hayato asked. Cielo turned to him and said, " You are not an errand boy for me you know. You are your own person, but since you want to be useful I don't see why not."

Cielo handed him the tray before going up his own room, " Make sure he knows the rule of the Mansion and secure his card to his new bank account."

Takeshi heard a knock before someone entered his room. He was currently sitting up slowly exercising his limbs to get rid of the stiffness and soreness. He looked up and saw Hayato enter with a tray of food.

" I won't ask any questions why Cielo brought you here, since that's between the two of you. I won't pry.", was Hayato's way of greeting. He placed the tray on the table and added, „ " Cielo wanted you to have this."

" Oh it's nice to meet you up close and personal Gokudera. I want to see Cielo so I can thank him properly.", Takeshi said.

Hayato rolled his eyes, " Well baseball freak you will have to wait until tomorrow morning at breakfast since he already went to his room. I will give you permission to call me by my first name, because Cielo was the one who brought you here."

" Too bad, I am afraid I have no choice but to wait. Wait a moment is this really a card for golden membership of a finance group?! It has my name on it!", Takeshi explained.

Depending on how rich a person is that has an account in certain Banks they are given different rank cards. A golden card means you are apart of that financial group's golden membership. Cielo has several platinum cards for himself, gold is right below that.

" It's your card for your new bank account that Cielo created for you. Don't refuse it since I also have one. Cielo says it's to provide us with our personal needs since he is not our parents. We can spend it any way we want for several years since it belongs to us, his words not mine.", Hayato explained.

" Hayato, you must really like him. He is not like anything I would imagine. He is so generous and considerate.", Takeshi said.

" Cielo also wanted me to tell you the three rules of the Mansion. One, stay your distance away from him. Two, do not ask him personal questions. Three, you are not allowed to bring anyone here without his permission.", Hayato informed him.

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