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" You meant well and are not like those despicable human beings I have met. The fact that the day I was born was the worst day of my life meant it's not worth celebrating. For once I will be polite and thank you for the sentiment. Excuse me but I must go.", Tsuna said before exiting through the door and closing it behind him.

" He was indeed polite about it.", Luce said. She was also touched that he was honest with her and thanked her for her actions. She also noticed that Luke seemed worried. " Luke is something the matter?", she questioned.

" Excuse me Mistress, I need to see Cielo Kun for a minute.", Luke replied exiting the dining hall as well. " Suddenly I have a bad feeling that something bad will happen.", Lucas said. " Me too.", Luce added. Leon and Louise remained quite but they too were uneasy.

Back to Tsuna. Tsuna exited the dining hall and strolled down the corridor. He subconsciously wondered to the roof since he was caught up in his memories and thoughts.

He was in a hospital room in the arms of his mother for he was just a few minutes old a newborn. He didn't have any idea what was going on, and why everyone looked so depressed for he had just entered the world.

Neither did he understand why he was treated so cruelly from the day he was born. He was barred from playing with his new baby brother just one year after he was born. The baby wasn't ill treated like he was. He slowly came to realize that his parents despised him.

But three years after his birth when he became aware he would understand for he was made aware of his sin he had committed on the day he was born. He regretted being born because then he would have never committed that sin and be hated by his own parents.

Back to the present Tsuna stopped mid step on the roof as he looked at the starry sky above with the moon hanging low.
" I am always being punished for being alive, the irony of celebrating the day I was born. How very laughable.", Tsuna chuckled to himself until it became a chilling laughter.

" I don't understand. Shouldn't my heart be frozen in a block of ice? Shouldn't it be numb to pain? Then why is it that I can feel this continuous heartache? It never stops. I hate them for what they did. I hate them.", Tsuna fell to his knees and hugged himself. One single tear fell from his eyes as he whispered, " It hurts."

Luke who had come to the roof after him had witnessed Tsuna's episode. He slowly approached and called out, " Cielo Kun, can I please come over?" Not receiving a reply Luke came next to Tsuna and stooped down beside him.

Tsuna blue eyes were not currently cold they were empty for he was trapped back into his memories, his past kept haunting him. Luke who was a flame user of Sun and Rain flames cuddled the child in his embrace as rain flames washed gently over him causing him to fall asleep.

In his slumber his hyper intuition suddenly flared up giving him a splitting headache and he repeated the one line over and over for an entire minute, " They are coming. There are all dead. The Mansion is all bloody, with bodies and human heads."

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