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Today was Saturday, and the day was young and would hold many surprises. Takeshi found breakfast already on the table and there was a place set for him. He had on new bandages this morning under his blue T-shirt and pants. Cielo did not heal his wounds because he wanted to teach this idiot a lesson.

" Good morning Cielo and Hayato. I should thank you Cielo for yesterday and apologize for what I said about you.", Takeshi began.

" No need. I need you to follow me after breakfast.", Cielo said. " Ok Cielo.", Takeshi replied, " Thanks for the food."

After breakfast Cielo brought Takeshi to the room where the miniature Mansion was. He took Takeshi's blood and dropped it on the shimmering blue barrier so that he could enter and exit the Mansion any time he wished.

" I am going to pick up someone. I will be back by Lunchtime.", Cielo told the two a few hours after breakfast. The two spoken to looked at each other before turning back to Cielo who was already going through the door.

Cielo walked towards the Hibari's Mansion. The Hibari's were at it again. Cielo took a seat on the bench and closed his eyes as if he was asleep before listening to the heated argument taking place near the window of the Mansion.

" You are trying to defy me yet again. How many times have I told you? We set the rules you follow them. What we say goes. We are moving and that's the end of this discussion.", Mr. Hibari yelled.

" I don't want to. Everything should go as you say, but i am your son. That alone gives me the right to my own freedom, I am not like those weak herbivores that cannot make their own decisions.", Kyoya retorted.

" Kyoya! Take that back this instant or I won't interfere when your father decides to punish you again!", Ms. Hibari reprimanded her son.

Kyoya's reply was, " You didn't interfere last time, so what's the difference if I was disagreeing with him. Can't I have free will? I despise this family so much, I no longer want to be apart of it."

" I have had it with you! You are just asking for it at this point!", He was about to hit his son when his body froze up for a second as he fell to the floor feeling dizzy and in a lot of pain. Mrs. Hibari joined him in the same condition.

" Humans are so disturbing. Give them a little authority and they use it to ruin the lives of others and prance about all day.", Cielo appeared in the window from who knew when.

" Carnivore you are trespassing.", Kyoya said taking out a pair of Tonfas. He dashed towards the window ready to strike at Cielo but when he reached the window Cielo was no longer there because he was in front of his parents.

" Did you do something to us boy?", Mr. Hibari asked in a strain voice. Kyoya stopped cause he wanted to know the answer as well.

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