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" Are you sure Cielo Kun?", Akeira Sensei wanted to verify what she heard. " Yes Akeira Sensei.", Cielo said. " Do you agree to this Team Sky?", Akeira Sensei asked for their thoughts on the matter.

" Sure.", Dino said. " That sounds like fun.", Byakuran replied. " Anything trashes.", Xanxus put in. Yuni added, " I want to join."

" I am certainly not interested, but I am down for it.", Leymitsu interjected. " If Mitsu-nii says yes then yes it is.", Ieyoshi sounded excited. He was referring to his older brother by calling him Mitsu-nii.

" Then Cielo and team Sky shall be the last to battle. This should be a valuable experience for my student and the others.", Reborn suddenly consented. He had another reason for agreeing. His intuition told him that the new student had hidden motives for challenging this team.

While everyone became seated the battles began fifteen minutes later after each group came up with a battle plan. Team storm battled team rain. Team lightning battled team mist. And there was a three team battle between team earth, team cloud, and team sun.

No teams won but individuals won duels and scored points for their teams. The point of the exercise was to practice flames not to win. Soon the battle everyone was dying to see finally came. The Sky team versus the Night flame user.

The Sky flame users spaced themselves out in the huge clearing. Cielo stood up and went into the very center of the enemy team.

He looked at no one in particular as he said, " Come all at once or one at a time, I don't care. Wasting my time with brats like you bunch makes me irritated to no end."

" You shouldn't be so impolite Cielo.", Dino said entering DWM. Sky flame users can achieve three states depending on their wills and purity of flames: Dying Will Mode(DWM) which was the first state.

The second state was called Hyper Dying Will Mode (HDWM). The third and ultimate state that a few can achieve was called Ultimate Dying Will Mode (UDWM). Other flame users can achieve Dying Will Mode (DWM).

Dino's eyes glowed orange as his orange sky flames appeared On his forehead and hands. He flew in the air above the pond. Before he could do anything Cielo's indifferent voice echoed in the room, " Too weak."

One second Cielo was on the ground the next second a portal appeared above Dino and Cielo exited it and kicked him mercilessly in his stomach sending him flying down into the pond. Another portal appeared On the surface of the pond as he fell through.

A scream could be heard as a portal appeared in the ceiling as Dino fell through it and landed harshly on the ground beyond dizzy. His Uniform and hair was messy since it had thorns, branches, and leaves sticking out.

A poisonous snake was also wrapping around his body, and a wildcat was scratching his face and hands angrily. Obviously Dino was teleported to a jungle with wild animals in a matter of moments before he was teleported back to the Academy.

Not sparing a glance at Dino's state Cielo indifferently called out, " Don't waste my time. Next!"

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