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" Hand over the little one and we will be on our way.", one of the masked intruders laughed as he waved his Scythe. The other one was also wielding a scythe.

Leon hugged Tsuna closer to his body as he lit up his mists flames. A black ferocious bear with black demonic wings and flaming red eyes stood on its hind legs behind Leon. It growled.

" Come Septimus! Devour these Demons!", Leon shouted as he dashed behind the bear.
" A lame illusion to defeat us?", the masked intruders raised their scythes in sync.

The bear hit them into the wall and Leon took the opportunity to escape but the moment he turned his back a Scythe decapitated his head.

Luke arrived the exact moment it happened. He took Tsuna from Leon's lifeless body as it fell to the floor. The illusionary bear disappeared.

Being a rain flame user he should remain calm and think rationally, and as a sun flame user he should be jolly and energetic. But that did not make him feel better about what he just witnessed, " Rest in peace Sir Leon."

The flame that was devouring the Mansion came in between Luke and the Intruders so he could leave the room swiftly. They persuaded after him.

Luke met up with his Mistress and brother in the empty ball room of the Mansion that was furthest from the fire. The two were fighting three other mask intruders in black robes who were wielding Scythes. The two persuading Luke also arrived, so now everyone in the Mansion was in one room.

" Oh I see that everyone is here. Save us time to hunt down that child for our Master.", one said. He removed his mask revealing a ash gray skin with demonic black eyes and glowing purple irises, " I am Shaitan. These are my brethren Sabazios. Samnu. Sedit. Sekhmet. Together we are the five reapers of Lord Shiva."

" I am Luce Giglo Nero. Owner of this Mansion and don't think for one moment that we will just hand over Cielo Kun to you. That little child had a very difficult life so let him be.", Luce stated. She took out a bow and arrow covered in Sky flames.

Lucas who was a lightning flame user took out a longsword covered in electricity, while Luke took out a Trident. The handle of the Trident was also a spear, so it was two weapons in one.

Luke and Luce fought three of the demons together while Lucas fought the remaining two by himself. The demons used a blackish red sinister flame which they use to coat the blades of their weapons.

This flame was called Parasitic Demon Flame (PDF) or PD Flames for short. Once it touches you it cost unbearable flames, and once this flame enters any wounds and not expelled quickly it turns you into a low level Demon Kin, in other words it makes you demonic.

Luke had placed Tsuna on the floor in the middle of the chaos so they could keep an eye on him while they fight so he wouldn't get kidnapped.

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