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The next day early in the morning before school Bianchi herself came to the Mansion with a few boxes. She stood at the gate and pressed the bell that would sound in the house. She saw Hayato and Cielo exit the Mansion the same time.

" Good morning Aniki. How are you doing?", Hayato greeted her.
" Not bad. Hello Cielo Kun.", Bianchi greeted back.
" Hello again Bianchi.", Cielo waved his hand and a portal swallowed up the boxes and they turned up in Hayato's new room.

" Join us for breakfast Bianchi. You and your brother can speak then. A notice for you Bianchi, you can enter this time since I invited you. If you enter this Mansion without my permission you will be harmed, so if you need to come by anytime just call me or Hayato.", Cielo was saying while he lead her inside.

They went to sit around the dining table that was already set for three people. Cielo had made breakfast for the three having expected Bianchi's arrival since she had called beforehand. He had also made a Bento for himself and Hayato to which he was happy and expressed his thanks.

After Breakfast Hayato changed into his Uniform his sister brought over. Cielo was already dressed. Bianchi helped the two to wash the dishes before the three exited the Mansion. Bianchi went back to her apartment and the two went to school.

It was 7am when they arrived, one whole hour before school started. Namimori Academy of Flames was also a boarding school since many students came from many different countries, this meant that many students were on the school compound.

" Hayato do whatever you like. If the older Vongola heir makes trouble for you inform me. I know you can handle your own matters so I won't interfere unless it's serious.", Cielo advised him.

" I will listen to you Cielo.", Hayato smiled and bowed before leaving. Cielo looked at him as he left. Having someone in close proximity to me is a curse for both me and them. Lord Shiva and the remaining Demon Lords are still a force to be reckoned with.

Lord Shiva won't just let me go. I don't care about the safety of the Human race let it burn to the ground. I hardly feel emotions now, so it won't affect me. Cielo thought before a image of Luce appeared in his mind. Cielo blinked once or twice before the image disappeared.

He went to class and waited for it to begin. That day the Academy was talking about what happened during the match the day before and what happened after that with Leymitsu and Cielo.

No one hated Leymitsu for his behavior yesterday but some were disgusted by it. Still no one blamed him because a few knew his parents spoilt him.

On the other hand some praised Cielo's actions and wondered if he was a Tsunudere. They disagreed in the end since the word did not do his mysterious personality justice.

It became even more of a shock when the said person was seen speaking to Hayato after school like they were on good terms. Some applauded Hayato for his achievement for being the first person in the Academy whose company was tolerated by Cielo.

What Cielo had done after school was to give Hayato a key to the Mansion and told him he can go home whenever he pleases but he was going to walk around Namimori before returning to the Mansion.

As for Sawada Leymitsu he hated Cielo and was scared of him at the same time so he started plotting a few sinister schemes.

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