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With Cielo he had arrived in England. He booked a suite in a classy English hotel. The desk lady wished him a good evening in her British accent, " Good evening sir. We hope you enjoy our hospitalities at our Pink Pearl Hotel.

" If you are interested our Hotel will be hosting a fancy event for guests later this evening. The event will be kept in the ballroom if you wish to attend. Here is your key to your suite sir, please follow me this way."

She led him into one of the hotel's elevators and brought him to one of the top floors that had only VIP suites. After showing him the door to his suite she left.

Cielo waited until she was gone before he entered. Before doing anything else he checked the room for any hidden cameras or anything out of the ordinary. He flapped down onto the sofa and took out his laptop and hacked into the Hotel's security system.

The whole layout of the hotel came into view on the screen along with the camera recordings of every place found in the hotel except the suites, and hotel rooms. He had facial recognition software running to identify the people coming in and out of the hotel.

After an hour in front of the laptop he left it still on and went into the shower. After a hot sauna and bath he came out of the shower and blow dried his hair. He got a glance at the blue tattoo on his back in the mirror.

He closed his eyes then opened them revealing beautiful glowing orange sunset eyes. A crown of orange flames was on top of his white hair.

He looked at himself in the mirror once again and saw that he looked like a handsome prince straight out of a fairy tail with magical powers. His eyes became normal and the flames disappeared.

" That's to be expected from the mode above Ultimate Dying Will Mode. It's indeed difficult to achieve this mode and it's indeed exhausting to sustain it, even for me. At least when I can sustain it for longer I will have another ace card up my sleeve to defeat Lord Shiva in our next duel to the death.", Cielo muttered.

He got dressed in a formal suit and neck tie. He used his mist flames to change his hair color to black and his eye color to green.

He adjusted his height to that of an adult and altered his face to make his appearance look more convincing. He didn't want to look anything like Cielo.

He put on his brand new smart watch and looked himself over making sure he didn't forget anything. Finally satisfied he stepped out of his suite and locked it.

He headed towards the ballroom where sounds of soft music, chatter, lots of people walking, and wine glasses clinking together could be heard.

He entered without being noticed for there were many people at the event. This was a VIP event so only the most influential individuals were in attendance.

Cielo looked around. He took a glass of wine from a passing wine tray and sat at a table in the corner as he watched the others come and go without paying attention to a stranger like him.

Fantasy Within KHR [ Book One ]Where stories live. Discover now