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“ First of all who are you? How can I trust a stranger that appears in my dream and know my name while I don't even know yours?”, Kyoya inquired.

“ My name is not important.”, the teen answered. He was naturally Cielo. “ My instinct tells me I can trust you. Can I?”, Kyoya asked.
“ You can trust me to make your wish come true if it's within my power, and if you agree to pay the price.”, Cielo explained.

“ This condition you speak of, what is it?”, Kyoya asked.
“ After I grant your wish you must stay by my side for the most a year then you are free. I don't want you to be my slave or servant, nor will I bound you by any rules or restrictions.

“ You are free to do whatever you want, you just simply need to stay in my home. How does that sound? Take it or leave it.”, Cielo elaborated.

“ I will take it, since my wish is to do what I desire without my parents trying to control my life. I want to be in charge of my own destiny.”, Kyoya said after careful consideration.

“ You have made your choice and made your wish. As promised I will grant your wish just remember you must remember the price you agreed to.”, Cielo stated. “ I will remember.”, Kyoya assured.

“ Then your wish is my command. This wish won't be instant since I am not a fairy. Go to school tomorrow Kyoya, everything will be fine since I will take care of it.”, Cielo said before he vanished.

Kyoya had a normal dream after that before he woke up early the next morning and went off to school. The moment he left a clone of himself took his place and stayed in the Mansion all day.

He returned home and the clone disappeared. This happened for three weeks straight, the three week before school closed for the Christmas break.

Kyoya did not know what the mysterious teen had done to trick his parents and the servants to think he was home all day.

His parents and the servants had no idea that what they were seeing was a Kyoya made with strong mist flames that could not be sensed.

During these three weeks Cielo had been making a Kyoya Mist Clone he had been observing another person very closely, he was none other than Yamamoto Takeshi the Academy's baseball star.

The day before Scholl closed for the Christmas break the Academy hosted a baseball game during the lunch period. All went well, but in the middle of the game disaster struck. A ball was pitched towards Takeshi but he didn't react in time and his right arm was injured and he was in a lot of pain, in addition his team lost the game.

He was quickly taken to the Medical Wing of the Academy where he was treated by the best Sun Flame Doctor in the Academy, Doctor Shamal. Shamal examined his arm and treated it. He told Takeshi that his arm was broken and he should give up baseball for the next few months to heal his injury, he was taken off the team.

Shamal went further and explained to the team that had come to visit Takeshi that he had been overworking himself lately. He divided his attention between studying and practicing, with little rest that was why he didn't react in time and got his arm broken. He advised them to give him a temporary leave from the team to heal his arm.

Those who visited Takeshi didn't make him feel better in the least, because all they thought about was what a shame he could no longer play. They didn't know this hurt the teen more ways than one since it was a big part of his life. In addition they didn't care about him in the least because they were never true friends from the start.

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