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If Leymitsu had known before what impact his last two words would have on Cielo may God be his witness he would have never said them. He was fated to be on the receiving end of Cielo's pent up hatred and anger.

In Cielo's mind the words I promise echoed more than once. He subconsciously massaged the left side of his chest where he could feel the usual ache in his heart as he remembered when his brother had last uttered those two words to him.

The promise his little brother had so kindly and lovingly made to him over eleven years ago. The one where he would always love him no matter how much their parents hated him. The same one who had so adamant in promising him that he would never hate him and will always be there for him.

" I don't know which one it is, either you want me to end your life earlier than I planned or you want to grow my hatreds toward you. Well good news Sawada Leymitsu, I hate you enough to massacre your entire family.", Cielo scowled before walking pass him, the group followed along. When they reached outside Mukuro released the flame users under his control and as if woken up from a dream they just walked off, leaving Leymitsu's guardians bewildered.

Cielo opened a portal to the gates in front of his Mansion. When they all stepped through the portal closed behind them. They pass through the gates and the front door and entered the Mansion. They heard someone in the kitchen and before the ones who lived there got on guard the person appeared in front of them. It was Bianchi. She was wearing casual clothing and an apron.

" Welcome back Cielo kun. Oh and welcome to the new comers as well. For those who don't know me I am Gokudera Bianchi, Hayato's older sister. Its nice to meet you all.", Bianchi waved as she present them with a smile. Hayato who was surprised to see his sister in the mansion asked, " What are you doing here sis?"

" I am preparing lunch for everyone! Cielo Kun will tell you the real reason why I am here over Lunch.", Bianchi winked at her brother.

Hayato turned Cielo, but Cielo's only response was, " The newcomers can explore the Mansion before lunch and find their own rooms. The color of the room doors corresponds with your flames. Chrome's room is furthest from the boys next to Bianchi's room. Futta's room is behind the brown door. I will see you all at lunch."

Cielo went up the stairs to his room. Mukuro and Chrome disappeared in a burst of mist flames. Lambo and Futta went off to find their rooms. Kyoya had disappeared the moment they got back. He was irritated at Mukuro who had trapped him under a Sakura tree, which he was highly allergic to.

Hayato and Takeshi helped Bianchi out with the lunch and the setting of the table. Meanwhile Cielo entered his room and got onto his computer. He hacked some networks and send a letter to a few individuals with lots of money attached to the persons on the receiving end.

Finished with that he took a quick shower and changed into casual clothing, socks and sneakers. He caught his hair in one and pinned his bangs to the sides.

He looked at his reflection, pass the handsome ice prince appearance and was only reminded of who he truly is, Sawada Tsunayoshi.

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