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Cielo jolted up. That nightmare was one of the reason why he can't sleep and had dark circles under his eyes. His snow white skin was pale and sweaty, and his cold blue eyes were freezing to whoever saw them.

“ Cielo Kun, are you awake madam Luce asked for you.”, Bianchi said outside the door. Cielo looked at the time and saw that it was 1pm. He had told the two that he was retiring to his room to rest after breakfast that morning.

It was one day now before it became a year since they were living together.
“ Yes. I will be right there please inform her.”, Cielo said getting up. Bianchi proceeded to Luce's room.

Cielo made his way to his bathroom and washed up before applying a cream that made his dark circles disappear. He walked towards Luce's room and knocked before entering, “ Madam Luce you asked for me?”

“ Yes, Cielo Kun. I wanted to write my daughter a very important letter and I want your help to do it. If I don't do it now there will be no more chance for it to be written.”, Luce said with a smile.

Cielo nodded and got pen, paper, an envelope, a special seal from Luce, and a stamp. He spent half an hour guiding her hand so she herself could write the letter in her own handwriting. After the letter was complete he started making preparations.

He transfered a huge sum of money to Bianchi's account and purchased a very important item online anonymously. He asked for it to be delivered at an empty warehouse nearby within a hour. He also purchased a package for Luce which was to arrive at his door within ten minutes.

After ten minutes came he went to the door and received the package personally. He called Bianchi into the living room.

“ Bianchi look after an early dinner this evening. After that help Madam Luce with her bath, do her make up, her hair, and dress her into these before you put her to bed. I will prepare snacks for her later.

“ I will be bringing her back to her family tomorrow so after you dress her up this evening you should leave. After this you no longer work for us and as agreed on our contract you should not divulge any details of your job to anyone.

“ I have transferred enough money to your account for you to take care of yourself and your little brother Hayato for the next ten years or more. Don't refuse it, think of it as a thank you from me.”, Cielo told her.

Bianchi nodded,“ Thank you very much Cielo Kun. I wish you and Madam Luce all the best. I won't say a word. I do hope you meet my brother one day in the near future. Hayato only as me and our step dad, making a friend like you will do him some good.”

Bianchi followed all the instructions given to her by Cielo. After Luce's bath she opened the package Cielo gave her and spotted a make up kit, hair accessories, a necklace, a beautiful white dress, white stockings, and a beautiful pair of glass slippers.

Bianchi went to work with dressing up Luce, putting on makeup, doing her hair, putting in the hair accessories, and  slipping on the necklace and glass slippers. Luce smiled at her reflection in the mirror as Bianchi complimented her beauty.

As Bianchi placed her in bed that evening she said to Luce, “ My work here is done Madam Luce. I no longer work here, but I enjoyed my time here while it lasted. Also, meeting you and Cielo Kun had been a very wonderful experience. Goodbye”

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