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Cielo checked his calendar once he was back home and saw that the next full moon is one whole month away. Cielo was now eleven years of age. He had been separated from his cruel family for six whole years now.

He undressed and stared at the mark on his back once again. He payed it no more attention and went in the bath. He came out and dried himself and his hair.

He caught a shadow in the mirror and he turned to look behind him he turned back to the mirror and stopped short at what he saw. He saw the face of Luce smiling at him as he heard the softest of whispers next to his ears, " Cielo Kun."

" Madam Luce. Back from the grave to haunt me?", Cielo said mockingly, knowing he wouldn't get an answer. But he did get one. Luce reflection in the mirror laughed as she said, " You are so funny Cielo Kun."

Instead of playing along he revealed the one behind the prank in one sentence, " Isn't it enough that you took her away from me? As a Demon Lord you know how to play with human emotions, but too bad for you I don't feel them that much, Lord Shiva."

" Funny you should say that Cielo Kun, you are indeed intelligent for your age. Not being burden by human emotions is a blessing in disguise since it's easier to cast away your humanity when you join the side of us Demons.", Lord Shiva said showing his real appearance in the mirror.

He had smooth flawless skin which was ash gray. His eyes were shiny black with glowing purple irises. His silky smooth black hair was tall for it reached the middle of his back. He wore a dark red crown with a bright blood red jewel at it's front.

He was wearing scarlet princely robes and a scarlet mantle on his shoulders lined with snow white furs. He was handsome with slightly pointed ears and two fangs similar to those of a vampire.

He was sitting on a throne and behind him was a waterfall of churning magma.

The five reapers must be from the same species since they too had the same skin and eye color.

" What do you mean join the side of the Demons?", Cielo asked.
" Aren't you looking for me? When you find me I am afraid you will never escape my grasp once you step into my presence.

" I am not just a Demon Lord in name. There is a reason why I am ranked beneath the Demon king. You have been warned. See you in a month if you still wish to seek me.", Lord Shiva said before leaving inside the mirror.

Cielo had been holding the side of the sink with both hands. Cold air spread from his palms as the sink became frozen in a chunk of ice. The mirror was also foggy due to the sudden cold air in the room.

I promised sir Lucas and teacher that I will avenge them and Madam Luce, I can't go back on my words. I can be frightened off by a Demon Lord before I even tried to accomplish this task. I am not a coward. Even if I perished by the hands of a demon lord it wouldn't make a difference. At least I died trying, Cielo though.

He exited the bathroom as he got dressed.

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