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Not yet finished Cielo said his last piece, “ These secrets I just revealed are not for you to show each other pity, because no one in this age likes pity. I didn't reveal them so you can make fun of each other, or mention when you argue or in public.

“ The reason why I said it all is to show you all that you have something in common, and most importantly I need you to accept each other because of two reasons. I will tell you one reason now, in the future I will tell you the other.

“ I am giving you all a mission. I am going away tonight after dinner, I will spend mostly a week or two. When I return I need your combat abilities, skills, and team work to be at another level above your current one.

“ Why you may ask, it's simple, I need you to be the strongest group in the Academy and I need you all to fight me once I return. Except for Futta. Futta I will now officially announce that Bianchi is your personal protector. I expect Bianchi and Futta to also participate in the training sessions. Now are there any questions?”

They took a moment to digest all that he had said, and memorized everything including their mission. No one had a question at the moment, except the all wanted to know why he was going to be away, but that would be a personal question which was against the rules.

Instead they all investigated what was in their individual bracelets. Mukuro got a Trident that could transform into a khakhara. Chrome got a silver stylish hairpin in the shape of a Trident, that could actually turn into a real trident.

Lambo got a electric green helmet that could transform into a full body armour that could conduct electricity that acts as both defense and offense for it's wearer.

Futta got a small flashlight that when shown on his face it disguises his real face with another random face, this was for his protection so no one could recognize him on the streets. He also got a book that looked like a spell book but it was the size of a pocket diary.

Bianchi got a bubble gum pink handbag, but not just any hand bag. It was a poison kit! It contained vials of all the most dangerous lethal, and non lethal poisonous found across the globe. There were also antidotes and a shot got to hit targets with poisonous darts.

“ I need a few drops of your bloods to grant you full access to the Mansion. Before I forget there will be another one joining your group in the morning, I already have a sample of his blood.

“ I will leave his key, card, and bracelet with you Bianchi. If you will excuse me and give me those blood drops now I will be on my way.”, Cielo took their bloods and made his way to the room with the miniature Mansion.

After granting access to the new comers and the one he expected in the morning he went back to his room and packed a few things into his dimensional space. He had dinner with the rest.

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