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I walked into the class and sat at the front. I'm always in the front. At the college i'm definitely one of those nerdy girls in the movies. But i'm sexy so that's wassup. It's annoying being here though because there's immature boys. Just in this class for nothing. They don't take it seriously.

At first I sat in the back but went through the bad boy thing. He was really trying to get at me while the lady was talking. It was so aggravating. So that's why i'm at the front now. I'll be damned if I treat this like high school. It's nowhere near the same. But he isn't the only one. There's more.

This law class is the main one I treat super serious because this definitely determines my future. The other ones are okay but this one is my main priority.

"Hello class. This weeks case will be presented on the board. If you have any questions or concerns i'm free for discussion. You are dismissed." She's always like this. Some days she'll have a whole lecture and some she'll give us cases to work on. That's why we have to come either way because we never know which one she'll do.

I grabbed my bag and walked out towards my car. Dry came up here. Now i'm about to go home and work on this shit. I like to get it done when I get it because Robyn is my best friend. That's all to it.

I know i'm not gonna finish it all today but at least want to start it.

Robyn was in my bed so I just took my shirt off and sat beside her with my computer. Glasses on and in focus mode. My hair was down so I tied it into a messy bun. I took out my journals and books and got started.

The case is really easy. It's about a guy robbing a bank and shooting innocent people. He was on the run for 5 years and got caught months ago. But we have to protect him. So we have to get an argument to justify his actions. Cases like these is what turns people away from being a lawyer.

But I really want this. Even though there will be cases that's triggering and aren't right. The world is fucked up like that so there's nothing I can do to change that. Just gotta deal with it and live your dream.

"You've been working on that all day Nic."

I was walking around my room with this law book, reading. Sitting there in the bed was starting to hurt my butt. So i'm just walking. It's been a few hours, I don't know how many but whatever.

"It's not gonna work on itself Robyn." I grumbled and circled a group of words. "I cannot find the fucking word and it's about to piss me off." These books are thick as shit and just full of crap. Some stuff don't even matter.

Being a lawyer you can't go in there with baby ass words while working a case. You need those professional words that sound like they're hard to spell. Have those long meanings and short spellings.

"What do you need now?"

"I have everything i'm just writing the argument. I'm literally done if I find the word but it's not...oh my god." I flipped the page and started to read it. This is annoying. Can't even skip anything because I don't want to miss it. I can't think of what the word is specifically but when I see it, I will.

After reading so many pages, I became frustrated. My eyes filled with tears and I sat the book down while taking a deep breath. I'm pissed off. I'm hungry and upset. I got myself together before grabbing the book again. I got this shit.

"It's not in here." I just read this whole book... looking for one word. It's not even in there. Like at all. I'm stressed. Now I might as well change my argument because I don't want to do it without that word. If it's not the way I want it, I don't want to do it. Fuck it.

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