140: Lose Control

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Pyrrha had tried to call Shine--and got no answer.

Perplexed, she tried Weiss and got nothing there either.

"Guys," Neptune said. They were standing outside the train station, and he was holding his scroll. "Sun's not picking up... Are we sure service is back?"

"Try your other teammate," Ren said.

Well, Scarlet finally did answer--and he sounded like he was panicking.

"All over the city, they're huge!" he babbled. "And they're jumping on everything and spitting acid and melting stuff!"

"What are you talking about?" Neptune said.

"Frogs!" Scarlet yelled. "Or toads...not actually sure. But something amphibian, and they have long tongues."

"That would be a frog, yes," Nora said. "Well, that doesn't sound so scary."

"They're spitting acid," Scarlet said.

"So like a tree frog?" Ren knew about animals apparently.

"You leave for one day--" Neptune looked up. "--and this is what happens."

Winter looked up. "No one is answering my calls either," she said, paling. "But if they are in the middle of a fight, that might be why."

Or it might be another reason...

Then her scroll buzzed, and she jumped almost three inches.

"Mother?" she answered.

She could barely hear Willow yelling over the sound of some people first shouting at each other and then screaming in terror.

"Oh no, they're in the house!" Willow sounded ready to faint. "Or they almost are... They're not coming in the window yet, but they just broke it...and they spit acid through it... I don't know why they are coming in. They said that your friends put a boundary around it, but it won't last forever..."

"We have to go back now!" Jaune said.

"Jaune, even if we left right this minute, it would be 5 hours at least before we arrived," Pyrrha said. "The fight will be over by then."

"You can't come back," Willow said. "She's looking for you. We have two of you special girls here already. More will only make it worse--that's why I called you. We'll fend for ourselves... The others went out to try to stop them from getting this far, so that must not have gone well."

"Mother, talk simply. How many professional huntsmen do you have at the house?" Winter cut in.

"The huntsmen went to fight the problem, dear," Willow said. "It's just me and the broom girl who've got any fighting experience other than Miss Branwen and Miss Fall...who are too busy fighting each other right now to be useful."

"I heard that, you old hag!" Cinder said.

"Oh, leave her alone," Raven snapped. "She's helping more than you. Where's that fire you had a second ago? You have a clear shot now."

"Why don't you turn into a bird?" Cinder said. "Maybe one of them will snag you like a bug and take care of our problem."

"Or I could push you out the window!" Raven said.

"I'm going to strangle them both," Winter said. "Where is Qrow?"

"I think he went to look for the blonde girl," Willow said. "I'm sure they're fine though..."

"Knowing Qrow, he was in bird form and gotten eaten by now," Raven said.

Winter had a mental picture and looked sick.

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