> Weirdo. :Lightloon

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LightLoon.. where like.. Balloon turns into a while ball of sadness rolling around with his own emotions as Lightbulb will shine Balloon’s darkness days :3

Also, I think it's like Philippines or some country have Balloons with lights! Which is awesome! :D

Also yes, they have dinner, lunch, breakfast in the island :) because yes.







Balloon was laying down in the grass, he should be in the calm down corner but he couldn't find motivation to do so, he's just laying down with the grass around him.. he could care less if dirts get him or even molds. (Yes, Latex balloons get molds from the inside or outside.)

Balloon felt like there was a tree living in his head who’s fruits are just nothing but negative thoughts.

he wanted the past to leave him but somehow it keeps getting back, those memories who hit him like a cactus, everytime he wants to do something he likes with confidence, he could feel his heart shrinking and his brain moving.. and voices in his ears that are just deep.. deep.. words.

Balloon could only look at the sky, there were many stars, until he thought.. maybe, if he was a star, he would shine like magnificent where people would stay and look at him with a smile and where other stars would go close to him and even stay together.. although he thought, maybe.. he'll never be a star.

he ended up being a useless creature on this planet.

His past was holding him on a bars, he felt no freedom. He had to force himself to change himself he had to, or else something bad will happen.. of course, it is Balloon after all.

Hearing the rumors around him made him feel like he shouldn't live, he shouldn't have tried to, he's such an idiot for thinking he could get a second chance.

No one wanted to be close to him, suitcase is just being close to him because nobody wanted to, he felt like suitcase was forced to because, nobody would.

Balloon isn't even eating this past days, watching people eat in the table all together and nobody is left out? He would like to experience it, he would like to be one of them.

Imagining him being the crowd of happiness, everything of him can delight people.. that would be his wish.

Mephone announced that dinner is ready with his announcer so of course Balloon could hear the announcement although he felt no motivation.

He just had to stay here.

Starving himself would be a good idea, Pickle already called him a “a fat tub of air.” and taco called him “fatty cakes.” maybe, if he lose weight.. he'll be liked for some people.

He just felt like a second choice, he could donate his lungs because he isn't even worthy of every air he breaths.

Oh, people like that? He's being like that, people realized balloon also does that? People hate it now. Everything Balloon likes is what People think is weird.

Weird. Such a funny word.


The diner room just had a big big table and some many chairs around it for people to sit on it.

Although, there weren't even any chairs for Balloon.

The S2 was just having a peaceful dinner until Lightbulb was counting how many people are eating dinner right now but there were one missing.

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