> Sended by the wind. : Fanloon (short)

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Oh my gosh !!!! Qian actually wrote something !!

Very unbelievable !!!!

Woops guys,, sorry I haven't wrote something for so long 💔💔

But here you guys go !!! ^_^

Also yes it's Fanloon.

It's a short one, simple.


It was a peaceful day.
The wind was beautifully done, the way it feels at your skin was perfect.
The sound of chattering and nature itself was not too much, and not too less.

Meanwhile, Balloon was just infront of a hotel, sitting at the wooden plank.

Balloon was wearing a hat, a plain yet beautiful hat. The specific type of hat was a white Aussie tennis hat.

He had a paper in his hands, Balloon stared at it and decided to make an airplane out of paper. Balloon folded the paper, he really gave his focus to the paper itself, only the paper itself.

When Balloon was done, Balloon held the paper airplane infront of him, he looked at the sides of it, front of it, back of it. Balloon couldn't help but smile a bit, his little work. It was simple, but yet, fun.

While holding the paper airplane in his hand, he backed his hand and threw it. Balloon stared at it, as then the wind blew it.

Balloon’s paper airplane was flying, Balloon smiled wider. He looked at the motion of the paper airplane.

He saw the paper airplane slowly getting weakened as the wind couldn't support it that long, until a random big woosh of the wind occured. Making the paper airplane go high, although Balloon panicked a bit by the sudden motion of the wind. His hat almost flew away but he caught it just in time as he just placed the hat in his head, with his one hand placing on top of the hat.

Then he looked around, he saw his paper airplane was nowhere to be find. He looked at the bushes, his fingers slightly pushing the bushes far away. But he took his hands off as he saw no signs of it, Balloon pouted and scoffed when he knew to himself the paper airplane was nowhere to find.

That's when he someone screamed “ Hey!! “ Loud at him, he flinched a bit at that such volume of voice, he immediately looked where the source of the voice was.

That's when it was just.. Fan, it was Fan. Balloon looked up, seeing Fan just inside of his apartment at the hotel with the windows open as Fan there behind the window with a smile. And the paper airplane at his hands.

Balloon smiled at Fan, Balloon reached his hand high. Signaling Fan to throw his paper airplane at him, Balloon then spoke “ I'll try catching it ! “

As Fan threw the paper airplane out the window, the wind carefully let the paper out. Balloon’s eyes darted at the paper airplane as he slowly walked back and reaching his hand more higher, but his position was slowly going from left to right, right to left, front to back. Until Balloon finally catched it but he then didn't realized that his feet automatically went back making him accidentally get catched and being inside by a bush.

Fan looked concerned but Balloon just let out a thumbs up, Fan then let out a sigh of relief.

Balloon then slowly walked out of the bush, with his paper airplane at his hand.

He then bowed at Fan.

“ Thanks. “ Balloon said to Fan, Fan looked at him with a smile.

“ Your welcome, oh! And say hi to the viewers! “ Fan said as he then pulled out his phone that has been recording live, Fan was.. blogging.

Balloon’s face then flushed by embarrassment, as he sweated, his hand slowly shaking.

“ A-ah! I-.. uh didn't.. know but.. Hi! “ Balloon stuttered but he greeted the viewers that was watching, he then bowed at the viewers.

Fan just giggled at the sight.


683 words

Woohoo!! Fanloon!! Anyways it was simple but hey!! Atleast I wrote something, right? Right?? Right???

But eh, I'm gonna try write something now since I'm slowly getting motivation to write!! Which is awesome!!



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