> "How?" oh hush. :Fanloon angst p2

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Wow! fanloon angst part 2! But wait, where's comfort? Gone.
It's still angst.

Anyways sorry I'm late cause apparently no.1 I had to take care of my science project 2. I had to take care of my math project. Plus I had to go to the hospital, yes I just came back from the hospital.. 🦅🦅 and that hospital stuff took like 6 hours..

Also did you know? My mom changed my screen time and turned it into only 2 hours dawg ,, ☹️☹️
So sorry if Im very very very late cause my screen time sucks ass… 😞😞

And yes. I'm writing this in a dark room. Cause guess what? I'm not supposed to use my phone rn ❤️ but I'm using it rn 🦅🦅


Balloon haven't come out of the room for 5 weeks straight, not even to eat. I mean, that would be reasonable. After that blog, only made it worser.

Balloon didn't had enough energy to get off his own room, not like when he comes out of his room it would make it's better but NO! He knows himself it's not gonna get better, only much more way worse. He already knows what people think of him, and those thoughts hours him bad.

I mean, what else could he do at this matter? What, rot in the bed? … I mean maybe, balloons can catch mold though.

Until, Balloon had an idea.

He made sure to get enough of his energy to do his little idea, he also prepared himself with words.
He just have to wait more longer and longer..

After for some time, it was night now. Since it was night, Balloon was convinced by himself that people were busy at their own room, perhaps he could do this little plan of his.

When he leaned din his own door and heard the door clicks, footsteps, light flicks, the conversation fading, the loud snores. That was the clue, when all of those happened and it was obvious that everyone was asleep. Except for one.

Balloon opened his own door and quietly walked down the hallways, making sure it doesn't wake up everybody. I mean, he's pretty used at sneaking now, his been doing this sneaking trick since he was a kid!

Balloon walked more farther to the hallways, he looked to the doors at his sides to make sure if his close to the destination he wanted to go.

Finally after for some walking, he looked at the door. The door he wanted to go.

Balloon thought for a while if he should knock or not, but luckily the door opened itself. No not that, somebody opened the door.

It was Fan, holding the doorknob. Looking at Balloon, Balloon looking back.

“ Mind explaining the blog ? “ Balloon asked at Fan while placing his one hand at his own hip, Fan looked at the posture of Balloon until he realized what situation he is now.

“ O–oh! The blog! Ah yes.. it was… for people to.. know you better! And for the internet also! “ Fan answered to Balloon’s question, Balloon wasn't satisfied to that answer.

“ Well it would've been more better if you asked for permission first… I like doing poems but now.. it's difficult to even write something! Knowing how people reacted, its– it's embarrassing! It's- it's such a shame! “ Balloon replied to Fan’s answer, Fan looked at Balloon and gulped and didn't looked at Balloon.

“ I– well.. it's for my blog.. “ Fan said to Balloon, but to Balloon.. that isn't what he wanted to hear.

“ Oh wow, is making people uncomfortable part of YOUR blog? Is making people's secrets part of YOUR blog? Huh? Is it? “ Balloon asked to Fan, this shocked Fan.

“ I-i–its for the internet! To know! “ Fan said to Balloon, Balloon only looked more upset.

“ For the internet? … Seriously? “ Balloon asked, Fan saw the changes of his own behavior.

“ Well.. look at yourself, your starting to act like your Season 1 persona! “ Fan said, this shocked Balloon.

Balloon looked at his own hands and flipped it, he took his hands out of his way, and looked at Fan. He placed his own hands at his own face, rubbing it. He looked at his hands placed on his very own face.

“ Am I… ? “ Balloon asked, Fan only nodded.

“ W–wait, I thought.. I thought people– people knew I already changed… “ Balloon said with pure sadness in his voice, Balloon was blinking too many times to prevent himself to cry.

“ Did you really change? Or did you just forced yourself to forgot how you used to act? “ Fan asked to Balloon, this made Balloon walk more farther at Fan but Fan walked more close to Balloon.

“ Oh please Fan… it's just… I came here to ask abt the blog, b–but did you–.. really had to..? “ Balloon asked at Fan while staring at Fan, he looked like he was fighting himself to not cry.

Fan stared at Balloon and cleared his throat. “ i–im sorry Balloon.. I had to make the internet proud of me! I had to make the people know-” Fan was explaining until it got cut off.

“ That's what you also said to me after you broke our friendship Fan.” Balloon cutted off Fan, Fan stared at Balloon, some tears falling at Fan’s cheeks.

“ You remember-”
“of course I did, you were very important to me Fan. But well, I can't change you. Looks like we aren't for each other Fan. “

… “ Balloon-.. your the reason why I watched II! For you! “

“ Well, if only you were also there when I needed you. “



Ew 965 words, so short 💔💔

Wait I actually don't know what to end uhh

Wait I actually don't know what to end uhh

Ουπς! Αυτή η εικόνα δεν ακολουθεί τους κανόνες περιεχομένου. Για να συνεχίσεις με την δημοσίευση, παρακαλώ αφαίρεσε την ή ανέβασε διαφορετική εικόνα.

Just. Look at Tennis Ball's smile.

Anyways toodles!! ^_°

Random stuff! (Balloon Brainrot)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα