> II au. "A New Path, But Nothing's Changed." pt.4

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Sorry its been days since.. I've uhh... Written something,, days have been rough for me and still today and I can't find my motivation to do the part 4,, but dw!! Because today!! I finally find my motivation

Anyways,, let's go onto the story uhh I'm wirting this at the car,, while my parents are arguing and they aren't even focused on the road.. the thing is, I don't trust them,, sooo uhh yah

——— !! Mention of death because yes. ———
• plus, someone will die again!! ^_^
——— !! And Injuries,, very bad injuries guys!!


MephoneX was in the cage, Steve Cobs looked at MephoneX being stuck in a cage, MephoneX kept trying to get out of the cage looking like a puppy trying to escape their new cage, Steve Cobs walked next to MephoneX's cage as he crouched down and stared at MephoneX.

MephoneX faced Steve Cobs with it's big X that used to be glowing red, but now it's just flicking and just mostly grey, MephoneX raised their hand out of the cage and tried to hold Steve Cobs's hand, he slowly crawled just to get closer to Steve Cobs.

" S—s–sir... P–please... Help me... " MephoneX pleaded for help, Steve Cobs only chuckled as he saw MephoneX's state.

Steve cobs raised his hands seemingly that his going to hold MephoneX's poor hand that needs comfort, but suddenly he placed his hand on top of MephoneX's hand and slapped it hard, MephoneX's winced at the hard slap, he brushed his injured hand with his free hand.

" ouch.. " MephoneX said, as he was wincing everytime he touched his injured hand, Steve Cobs saw it and groaned.

Steve Cobs stopped crouching down as he stood up, he looked down MephoneX.

" I'm disappointed, you're made to be not get hurt! You're made to be strong!! You failed my expectations, you can't do anything right! AT ALL! " Steve Cobs shouted at MephoneX, that's when MephoneX's glowing red around his body disappeared, MephoneX just laid down, all tired.

Steve cobs slowly walked away from MephoneX as he walked next to Mephone4. Steve Cobs saw Mephone4 was not even moving, Steve cobs noticed the weird behavior as he thought Mephone4 would be awake now.

" Ugh. Typical, always just laying around.. being lazy, and useless. " Steve cobs said at Mephone4's unconscious body, he waited for a while but Mephone4 didn't woke up.

Steve cobs sighed as he walked away Mephone4 but he stopped halfway as he looked at the camera guards " look after him. Or else. " Steve cobs ordered the guards, as the guards nodded and only looked at Mephone4, one was guarding the surroundings, one was guarding Mephone4. Steve cobs saw the guards doing its job, he smiled at that thought as he walk away and walked out of the room.

. . .

All of the contestants looked at Lightbulb's dead body, everybody was shocked, but Lightbulb's friend couldn't be more shocked.

Paintbrush kept looking at their own hand, they were shaking, their eyes shaking also. They were breathing heavily, trying to caught their own normal breathing pattern but failed, as they breath more and more heavy.
Test Tube crouched down and looked at the body she stared at the body, she was shaking violently also, the way Lightbulb died re-played in her mind multiple times.
Fan who gasped loudly, he covered his hand, he slowly walked away from the body, as he stared at the body more and more.

Everybody was shocked, but people who were at Steve Cob's side was just staring at them, not even caring about her death.

Meanwhile, Silver Spoon who didn't even knew about the death, as he was too focused on Candle, but Candle couldn't care less, as her attention was her thinking about Silver's actions to her, on what he did on her.

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