- cutie patoots

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Yo look at this cute heart rock

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Yo look at this cute heart rock

If anyone out there feels unloved, just so you know I love you platonically. I know this previous days or today may feel hard to even live through it but I know you can do it! Your a strong brave warrior, and I believe in you but don't take it as a 'just go through it' I'm saying it in I believe in you, you can still do it but it's fine to take some breaks also or even some help! If you need to open up, I'll be here. I won't judge you in any way, just so you know, I care for you and I mean it so much that even you can't compare of how many stars it is, much more plentier than there stars are. I'm so sorry for the bad things that happened to you, I hope you heal from the things you didn't opened up because you were uncomfy. I hope things get better soon, you deserve much more better than anything else in these world, I wish I could help to make your world better. I'm so proud of you, I care for you, I love you (platonically) and I mean it so much. If you need me, or someone to open up to, I'll be here dw. Stay safe, take care of yourself. <3

In no matter what way you feel, I won't judge you, and feelings and emotions are very very important, don't bottle it up, once you bottle it up, sometimes you can't even open the bottle itself, and you crash the bottle and it spills, the bottle will think they're the problem, that's the problem of bottling it up so many times. That's why, I'll be here when you need me, or even need to talk to. You can do things that make you happy! Or when there's no things that does indeed make you happy, that's fine, let's try finding things that make you happy, no matter how long, or you can talk abt your interests, I'll listen to you. ^_^

Someone out there will accept the way you are, and I'm one of them. I'll always accept you in any way, I'll never judge you. Healing takes time, and getting some help will sure do improve the time. I care for you, and I'm so so so so so proud of you. If you wish you were dead, please don't, you have so much to live for, and I'll be supporting you, current, during, future.. but not in a creepy way! I'm just saying, yourself, all the things abt yourself, is already perfect. Your feelings matter. Don't think negatively of yourself, those aren't true at all. I promise you, your worthy. :3

Don't believe on the bad things people say, they don't even know the real you or what you've been through, I promise you.

You're a wonderful person and I wish I could take away this pain from your heart. You are very important to me and nothing will ever change that. If your going through something very painful, I'll be there for you.

If you wanna vent to me, I'll be open. :]

I wish this helps you, you deserve better.
If you don't believe what I say, trust me, I mean it a ton. Super much ton.
Don't starve yourself, don't harm yourself, if you have the urge, please don't, I'll be here if you wanna talk, I'll never judge you.
I'm proud of you. You're a good person, if you think you aren't, don't think like that, look what you've been through and I'm impressed.
Your not a burden, you don't deserve bad things that happened to you.

Here's a hug 🫂 , if you don't like hugs , perhaps we can do something other than hugs that make you comfy.

I'm proud of you.

Sorry if this is corny :'3

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Sorry if this is corny :'3

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