> Did I interrupted something? : BalloOJ (short)

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Noticed how BalloOJ is the only ship that doesn't end with 'loon' ?
I mean unless you use OJLoon


My mom complained about me eating like just 2 sweets and said I was getting too fat now


Also this is very short
Oh and Balloon has a room :3

Balloon hcs will show up here !! So if you don't like hcs you can leavr ,,
Sorry if it's incorrect btw,, correct me !!!


Balloon was just in his room, standing infront of his bed, he had something under his bed. Balloon then crouched down, looking what's under his bed. He slowly reached his hand under his bed, trying to grab it. But then his hand felt something, finally! Then he pulled out on what he catched

It was a violin bag, Balloon then slowly opened the bag. Seeing his violin inside of it, he smiled. He slowly took the violin and the bow in his hands, he stared at the sight of his instrument.

Balloon then slowly stood up with his violin, he looked at the mirror that was next to his bed, he looked at it, being infront of the mirror, staring at his own reflection.

Balloon then looked at the violin, he slowly placed his hands at the fingerboard, pressing the strings down. With his bow at the other hand, he then slowly glided his bow at the strings.

He was experienced by this scenario.

Balloon was just trying to see if he still has skills of a violin player, it's been awhile.

Balloon rested the violin at his own arms, he took a deep sigh, he glided his bow through the strings making a melody, a sweet and peaceful noise was made, his fingers at the fingerboard, pressing down the strings down, his fingers shaking and changing positions. Balloon had his eyes closed, getting all his focus to the movements.

Balloon kept using his violin, playing with it, then he grew a small smile. He couldn't help but feel a little bit proud, finally.

Then his door was suddenly busted open, it was just OJ. OJ was holding a piece of paper in his other hand, OJ looked at Balloon and realized what he just interrupted.

When Balloon got randomly jumpscared by that, his bow suddenly went to the wrong string, making an eerie and disgusting noise. This made Balloon flinch almost dropping his violin and bow, he shutted his eyes tight. But seconds later he opened his eyes.

Balloon stared back at OJ, they just stared at each other. But Balloon couldn't handle it, his eyes darted at the sideways. This felt way too awkward, and somehow just.. nothing at the same time.

OJ then cleared his throat.

“ Huh.. never knew I would.. catch you playing violin.. “ OJ said, he placed his hand behind his head.

“ Well.. I guess you did just now.. “ Balloon said, then he just crouched down and opened the violin bag. He placed his violin and bow in there.

“ Why did you even came here anyway? You only bust into doors when it's.. important.. “ Balloon said, confused. OJ then randomly remember, he looked at the piece of paper at his other hand.

“ Oh.. it's just.. there's an invitation to a.. V.I.P tour and.. your in! “ OJ said as he read the piece of paper that is actually an invitation.

Balloon’s eyes lit up, he looked shocked yet happy.

“ That sounds awesome! “ Balloon said happily, as he intertwined his own fingers together.

“ Like how awesome you play your violin.. “ OJ muttered, it was silent, it was like a whisper.

“ Hm? Did you said anything OJ? “ Balloon asked, he clearly didn't heard it, of course.

“ Oh, just.. just nothing.. “ OJ said as he wiped off his sweat.


625 words

I'm crying 'Once More to See You' played while I was writing this

BallOJ angst would sound awesome sauce...

I got the idea of Balloon being able to play violin from this panel


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Oh and I'm not talking about bow from I.I here I'm talking about the bow you use to play with your violin,,

Anyways Toodles !!

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