> a hole where we rot together. :Fanloon angst p3

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Why does my stomach hurts,, I just drank milk for the first time in this year 😞😞

And yes I'm writing this while my stomachs hurts and having an allergy reaction because i can ‼️‼️‼️ also I can't write properly right now cause my arms and balck and head and legs and eyes hurrtss yeah ignore my mistakes 🦅🦅

Fanloon uhh part 3 aka the end,, I think,, who knows?

Slight self-harm mention 🦅🦅


Silence fell to Fan and Balloon's conversation, Fan looked at Balloon with the eyes that screams that he wants Balloon, but Balloon wasn't looking at Fan he only looked down at the floor with shame, feeling like he's drowning with the wants of people.

Fan tried to hold Balloon's hand but Balloon refused as Balloon only crossed his own arms, Balloon looked back at Fan with pure shame. Fan saw the hints at the gaze of Balloon, so he only just walked further away from Balloon, as Balloon looked at Fan walking away in shame.. he couldn't help but feel guilty. Why does he need to act mean all the time? Why? That was the only question that Balloon never answered at his own head, Balloon was stressed by anything. God, why won't he just live peacefully? Is it because of his old mistakes? But his old mistakes are like wounds and he already put a bandage on it, but it looks like there's more wounds that he didn't bandaged as the wounds was left with no bandage and only fade into the skin, but some left marks.

Why does life keep giving Balloon people that he thought would be the one, but only turns into a lesson. A lesson of why he shouldn't be this way, a lesson that would deeply hurt him. Those so-called lessons were like made from stardust, so weird yet so unique, but Balloon was like made from dust, it has been there all your life, but you only ignore it but when you do see one, only disgust was the answer.

Why would Fan made Balloon feel like he loves things that doesn't love him? That's what Balloon thinks, not Fan.
Fan wanted for people to know Balloon more, but that cut deeply from Balloon's limits, it stings, it needs comfort to heal.

Perhaps Balloon was just overreacting by this whole stuff, maybe he should apologize to Fan. Why was Balloon like this?

Balloon looked where Fan used to stand, Fan wasn't here anymore, he walked out. Of course, Fan doesn't know how to handle feelings, it just spills randomly but Fan only made the spill dry, not clean it.
But even when Fan isn't here, Balloon could still feel him, could still feel like he's still staring at Balloon. Even when his not here, Balloon stills feels like he would always be there...
Balloon couldn't move but only stand, drowning in a ton of thoughts, he can't float from that, because when he did float, there's no land, only to be stuck in an ocean. There's still things waiting at the bottom of the sea, Balloon can't do anything about it but just to accept. Hope may not answer his calls, only despair looked after him.

This guilt making Balloon sink down more, but slowly, as guilt wants to be with Balloon much more longer, hugging Balloon when there's no one at Balloon's life. Balloon only accepted the hug, after all, what are these arms of his made for.

. . .

Balloon was shivering by the cold air he feels, those cold feelings not leaving him. It feels like he's deep in snow, it stings, it's cold. Warm hugs were the answer but there's no one available at his life, they only gave him cold hugs.

" How dare you Fan, making me love things that I'll never have. " Balloon said to nothing, it only spilled at Balloon's mouth, Balloon's mouth is an example of a glass of water but there's a hole, it spills, Balloon can't do anything about it but just let it spill. There's no one to tape his mouth or even make him stop, or perhaps Balloon's mouth are just his way of expressing feelings or an example of a box cutter and a clean wrist.

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