> Welcome. :Bombloon.

45 3 14


Doing 2 request at the same time is like taking care of kids at the same time,, I would know I used to look after my teacher’s kids and the way sometimes the kids see me as a father figure ☹️🆘🆘



!! Also.. swears would like.. come up.. !!

And yes Balloon angst is real guys believe me

Also if you notice the 3 references, here's a cookie 🍪 … the other reference (2) is a game, and one is an animation meme.

Balloon was laying in the grass, staring at the night sky.

The sky having millions stars shining at his eyes, his eyes wandered around staring at the different types of stars.

He used to be a space nerd, he also saw some linings.

I think. He's losing interest in the most smallest things now.

And the way the stars shines more than him.
The way stars are more likeable than him.
The way stars are much more better than him.
Nobody would want to stare at him.
Nobody would even want him.

Suitcase was his friend because of pity.

It's funny of how he gets attached easily to people who even gives him the most little affectionate.

It was a shame of how stars have different stars around them, having company.
It was a shame of how stars are much more perfect than him.

It's funny of how he can compare himself to fucking stars.

It is true of how stars have purpose on their life while Balloon here is being the most useless, worthless, liar, betrayer, manipulator, stupid, bitch.

He's such a loser and a loner.

And how he gets bullied by everyone? Oh please, it's not even the end.

And of how he looks at the old pictures and see of how he's unlikeable and just an asshole.

Nothing's working out.




Those words that echoed at Balloon’s mind, it's like a war at his mind.

People still see him the most worst way, nothing's working out.
People still see him the most bad way, nothing's changing.

All his effort, nothing's working out.

All he did was fucking nothing.

Dang it.

While he's laying down, his eyes wandered around him, and of how nobody cares for his existence.

He sat up, he only inhaled and exhaled.
It would be fine for him if one day he would stop breathing.

He stood up, his legs being a little shaky.

He waited for a little longer and decides to take a walk, he walked next to the hellhole that OJ created.

Hotel OJ.

He should confront OJ again, after all he's been living outside for so long.

No shelter.

No food.


Nothing's working out.

He waited and just thinks for a while, should he actually do this?

What if he does something weird?
What if he does something insulting?
What if he does something wrong?
What if he does something bad?
Oh gosh, what if all he gets are stares?
What if all they just do is ignore?
What if it'll be awkward?
What if it turns more worser?
What if this will make them more mean?
What if this will be the worst event?
What if this will be useless?
Is this even the right thing?
Should he even be doing this?
Is this the wrong thing?
Is this really faith?

He was so deep in thought, he found himself shaking.

His breath getting heavier.
His eyes getting shakier.
His vision randomly blurring.

He placed his hand at his forehead and grunted.

His head hurts.

He shaked his own head.

He's going for it.

He knocked at the door, waiting someone to twist the door knob. Maybe the door would be covering the welcoming hands, well maybe. If only someone's arm would be around him, that would be nice.

He waited for more time, until the door knob started to twist.

Finally, he can talk to OJ!

The door knob started to get more twisted by someone's hand, the door slowly getting open. The half of the hotel to be seen, by the slightly open door.

The door getting more open, Balloon was thinking if he should get more stressed or get more excited.

The door gently opened.

“Oh well OJ-” Balloon was supposed to say something until his eyes made him stop before he could full it, his mind suddenly changing, the thoughts arranged.

It wasn't OJ who would care about Balloon’s existence.

It wasn't OJ who would care for Balloon to open a door of a key he has.

It wasn't OJ who would care for Balloon.

It was Bomb.

“Hey Bomb..” Balloon greeted Bomb, the one who opened the door.

“W-w–what do you wa-want?” Bomb asked to Balloon, it was clear he wanted something. It's either hope or despair.

“I-i .. i-.. I.. I..” Balloon only stuttered, he forget to make his own script, he wasn't ready!

“W-what? .. J, K, L, M, N, O, P?” Bomb raised his eyebrow to Balloon, making Balloon embarrassed, Balloon’s face getting red.

Bomb looked at Balloon’s embarrassed face.

“I'm sorry for all what I did, i-its very..” Balloon apologized, but he didn't continue, his legs getting shakier.

“I-its alright B-b-balloon, I a-a--already k-k-know.” Bomb said to Balloon, this made Balloon shocked.

Bomb opened the door for Balloon to come in, Balloon’s eyes sparkled and widened.

Balloon ran to Bomb and hugged him, Balloon’s first biggest smile.

“I just hope I'm hugging you c-correctly..” Balloon said to Bomb, Bomb just patted Balloon’s back.


Something paid off.
(Yes, which is a boyfriend/j)

"W--w-welcome, B-b-balloon."


Who would even wake up and decided “Hell yeah I should write an oneshot” … def not me..
Yeah, like so totally so not me!!

Thx for the request ShyArtisticPerson !!
And ngl, I think you like balloon.. I don't know..

990 words!!! Dang it 💔💔

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