> Re-visiting. :Mephone angst.

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Mephone angst cs thx for my parents for giving me this idea ^_^ (aka them being Steve cobs :3)

I'm sorry I could barely publish anything, I could barely do anything because of my motivation,, idk why's my motivation treating me like this

And yes this is short brah,,


(If you don't understand apparently I just theorized while he was at do not disturb the weird charger made him visit his memories)

(Also I'm very sorry if I mischaracterzation Mephone and Steve cobs cs I'm outside rn my parents forced me to go outside and I have no choice but to follow them, I can't do anything lol)

Mephone was sitting down the couch, his show didn't worked very perfect, it didn't worked. All of his ideas failed, he failed himself. He failed escaping, he failed trying to escape, he failed as a host, he failed to be the 'perfect' son for Steve Cobs. Now thanks to his own show, Steve cobs caught him and now he's with Steve cobs, being stuck with the person who destroyed Mephone. But halfly, Mephone destroyed himself, he made himself worse because he didn't want to face it, he instead ran away from problems.

All his distractions, all his plans, all his hopes, all his will disappearing piece by piece just because of his very own hunting past. Should he blame himself or his.. dad? Can he even call Steve cobs his dad? It sounds, so so wrong in every way.

Mephone looked at the jar of cookies in his hands, and looked Infront to see a tv. Mephone could hear faint screams, shouts and horrifying cries, but all he did was ignore it. He has to live the past now, Mephone ate some of the cookies to try make him feel better, but only remembered the contestants he failed.

In reality, Mephone was in do not disturb, they made Mephone re-visit his own memories by plugging this weird thing in him. His eyes flashing his backstory, those memories that he wishes to banish but everything he does for it to vanish only made it stronger and harder to forget.

Mephone heard some footsteps, he looked back at the couch just to see the man itself. Steve cobs, Steve cobs looked at Mephone with his cold expression and looked at the jar of cookies in his hand.

" Your supposed to not eat, your not program to eat anything. " Steve cobs said to mephone, Mephone looked at Steve cobs and scoffed.

" Well.. this cookies makes me happy. " Mephone replied to Steve cobs, Mephone looked at Steve cobs, Steve cobs looked with more anger at mephone's face especially with that attitude of his, Steve cobs only looked disappointed.

" Mephone, don't you dare talk back to me! You aren't allowed to, that's disrespectful. " Steve cobs shouted at mephone, Mephone only looked at the floor.

Mephone looked at the jar of cookies, only to remember his own co-host, his own co-host being stuck in a jar. Mephone looked at the tv, the tv playing a reality show, this only reminded him of his own failed show. Mephone looked at the characters at the reality show, only it to remind him of his own contestants he failed to be a good host.

" Pft, be grateful Mephone. At all things I gave you, you should he grateful I still give you things. But you must do things yourself also, you can't live forever being like this. " Steve cobs said to mephone, Mephone frowned more at what Steve cobs said.

" Now let's go, we have to do our daily works. You can't just be useless at the couch all day. " Steve cobs continued, telling Mephone to get up. Mephone sighed and stood up, walking to Steve cobs.

Steve cobs walked as Mephone followed, sometimes, mephones wished he didn't had to follow Steve cobs. But to be free from him, from all of this that confuses him, is he overreacting? Manipulated? Is this normal? But yet, there's no answer yet, it'll stay as a thorn in his heart.

" You should be grateful you still have a dad. " Steve cobs said to mephone, Mephone looked at Steve cobs.

' And I wish you weren't my dad. ' Mephone thought.



Idk what to feel about my parents

Also it's like 727 words, ik very low cs my motivation sucks

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