> Date or Dinner. :Paperloon

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Balloon x paperr
Angst to fluff also yes I wrote the half at school

I know this is off topic but my parents killed my cat 🎀

And also it's like when Paper got accepted at S3 😋 (y’know like at EP17 S3) (replaced by box btw, I'm sorry box likers)

but this is a EP1 fake scenery where Paper is here! And uhh paperloon


Balloon was just sitting in the sand, he was thinking of doing something productive, something that can do something nice! Still.. at S3 people still bring up his old self, plus his smile? Something scary, even Nickel said it! Is his smile really that ugly that it needs to be doctored? Cheezus! … Maybe he shouldn't like that, or he shouldn't in the first place. I mean, why would someone in this earth appreciate a smile that looks like a clown would use.. more like horror clown. He knows. He hates clown. Maybe that's one reason why he hates himself. I mean, people called him a clown before.

Now yet again, did he really change? Or did he just forced himself to forget who he once was? And why would he change if just one person believes in him, something very big resulted in such a small good result..

Being hated bcs of yourself, maybe that's one reason why people hate him, for being himself. Or, is this really him?

Balloon was in deep thought, he was just looking at the ground, well he can't look at the ground thinking of the so called ‘The Floor’ wait, is that his name again? I forgot.. but still.. weird..

Wait! He can't just… hate other people, more people would hate him! If more people hated him, then what's the purpose of changing?!

Balloon sighed in defeat, for he has no ideas to do anything. It's not like he has ideas.

Maybe.. he could do something simple.. like taking a walk! That's right! A walk.

Balloon slowly stood up and put his notepad (to somewhere, who knows) and went to take a walk, he knows this can't change of what people see on him.

After all, there's something missing.. oh yeah. A friend. A friend who doesn't make him feel lonely. I mean not to be mean or anything, Suitcase is a good friend, but sadly.. Suitcase isn't here.

Then there we go again, Balloon has no motivation to walk more again, this just reminds him of Suitcase and him taking a walk through the forest or more places.. does missing someone really make you feel weak? Yes. Yes it does.

Balloon just sit back again, maybe he should just sleep it away. That's what he does sometimes, it's not like his favorite cliff scenery is here.

Balloon just layed down, it's not his first time sleeping with the grass, his not allowed at the hotel so this makes him having no shelter at all. Everytime it's his birthday, he doesn't even celebrates it, no one even knows his birthday. Of they did, they wouldn't care to make him something. He doesn't celebrates his own birthday, he’d rather not be reminded of how many years passed since he's alone.
(It's like 1 decade (I think) of how long he’s been alone btw)

Balloon just.. peacefully.. sleeps, weirdo.

Some hours later.

He was just peacefully sleeping until someone kept moving him around, this makes him curious of why is he getting shaked and who is shaking him?

He fluttered his eyes open slowly, he took some few blinks before he gets his vision clear. Until he saw, Paper close to his face, Paper was the one shaking him up to wake up! But Balloon noticed of how close his face was, and how nice he is to him, he blushes a little.

“ W-w–what? Is there something– “ Balloon tried to say but git cut off by Paper immediately saying.

“ Oh uh.. it's just.. uhmm, I noticed how you just sleeped the whole day, it's.. it's night now.. you don't wanna miss dinner, right? “ Paper responded to Balloon, Balloon was just shock of how Paper cared enough to feed Balloon or remind him to feed himself and not starve.

“ Oh.. dinner? … Hm.. alright.. “ Balloon said in defeat, it's been a while since he had dinner.

“ Alright then, oh and Tea Kettles made the dinner by the way! “ Paper said, he looks proud when Tea Kettle made dinner, back in the hotel Paper was the one who made the dinner sometimes.

Balloon slowly stood up, as Paper showed where's the way of the dinner should be. (and holding hands while at it :3)

When they arrived the other sinkers we're glad they joined the dinner, Balloon sat down one of the seats, while Paper who sat down next to Balloon.

“ Oh my sweet boys, should I get a candle lit for you two? “ Tea Kettle asked to the two, Paper and Balloon just looked each other, I mean it's night, they can't see quite right.

“ Uhh.. sure, thanks miss! “ Paper thanked to Tea Kettle, Balloon just continued to eat.

While both of them were eating, Tea Kettle came back with a candle lit, a red candle lit infact.

When Tea Kettle placed the red candle lit at the two, both of them thanked as they continue to eat, since Tea Kettle was done eating, she went to go do some other business, aka looking after the other Sinkers.

The two were alone together.

“ With or without light, no matter what, you still look good Balloon! “ Paper complimented, making Balloon blush, he wasn't very used to compliments.

“ Woah..thanks.. “ Balloon thanked to Paper.


981 words ..... embarrassing ☹️

Yo guys wassup, also guess what? IM 2 WEEKS CLEAN WOOHOO!! I know that's off topic, but I just couldn't help!! I mean.. 2 weeks?? WOOHOO!!

Also hope you guys like this uhh make sure to subscribe /j

Request by ShyArtisticPerson !!!!

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