Supernatural/Avengers crossover Castiel x Angel! Hunter!Reader

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Requested: @Shadow_Book_Spirit. Hope this is okay. 

You knew this would go wrong, but nooo. Dean just wouldn't listen. You were an angel currently hiding like you had been for a while. You had fallen in love with Castiel and had decided to hide on Earth as he didn't understand emotions like you did. You had watched humanity for a while, you had watched the plays on love and loss. You had begun to understand the emotions of humanity. You snuck into the warehouse wanting to get the witch before she unleashed the demons. You heard a crack and turned raising your angel blade. A white light hit you and the world disappeared.

A while later you awoke, remembering nothing. You were in the arms of a red headed woman. While a blonde and brunette cooed over you. "Honestly, who leaves a baby alone in the middle of a warehouse?" There was a crash as Cas, Dean and Sam entered, Cas had 'flown' them in. The weapons were raised and you were taken out of the room. Hearing Cas' voice, made something inside you click. You wiggled and writhed in Natasha's arms until she took you into the room. You reached for Dean. "You might want to place her down for this part." Sam's calming voice spoke. As he muttered the spell the white light returned and your memories flowed through you. You stood brushing down your black jeans and AC/DC shirt. "Took you, boys, long enough." The boys were covered in something red and sticky. "Is that blood?" Tony questioned. "No?" You answered quickly. "You're not supposed to answer with a question." Was Tony's annoyed response. You and the boys answered all questions about your jobs and how the demons within your world worked. You had left the group when Dean and Tony had started a drinking game and Sam, Steve and Bruce had started a discussion on World Wars. You found Cas staring at the stars. You wrapped your arms around him and kissed his cheek. The pair of you stood in silence as you watched the stars and simply relished the quiet moment you were in. 

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