Q x Girlfriend!Reader

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"Thanks for coming with me as my date, Q." You muttered as you took your seats. Your cousin was getting married and you had of course been invited. You had one small problem, you needed a date. You weren't sure if Q had the free time to come with you. Q had light heartedly suggested you take Bond, Eve Moneypenny had suggested Q, and Tanner had sarcastically suggested M before blushing an impressive shade of red when Mallory had been behind him. M had told you to take Q say, "That boy needs to get out more." Tanner had muttered something under his breath as to why Q should join you which had resulted in Q going red and Moneypenny whacking Tanner with a bunch of files. Bond had gone on a mission and was radio silent (read: blowing up Q's gadgets). Q was your boyfriend and so had accepted knowing it meant a lot to you despite the fact he hadn't really met your family yet. The fact that Moneypenny, Bond and Tanner had 'threatened' him had no part in the matter.

You now watched as your family filed into the first four rows of pews "Why are we not sitting with your family, love?" Q asked as you were sitting down, you were in the fifth row as close as you could get to your family. "My aunt, mother of the groom." Here you pointed her out. She had on a yet smug expression, nose in the air, as the usher screened those approaching. Her awful yellow hat should be given to Bond to destroy you thought. "She thinks my choice of career, having one, is not something a respectable young lady should do." Q snorted and muttered under his breath so only you could hear. "You're an analyst not a hooker." Shrugging delicately, you told him to your aunt it was basically the same thing. The ceremony began and the groom (your cousin) walked in with his groomsmen. He saw you, winked and mouthed 'nice' referring to Q. You hid a laugh. Next were the bridesmaids wearing dresses that Moneypenny would shoot you for even thinking about. They were cream, lacy, with pearls and possibly diamantes. You shuddered, Q hid his laugh by kissing your temple. The bride entered with her father, thankfully in a breath-taking dress, (who the hell did the bridesmaids dresses then?) flashed through your mind. The lacy shoulders and sleeves, reminded you of the dress that your mother had worn on her wedding dress. The white ivory skirt flared out slightly at her hips and trailed out on the ground to create a small train. Your cousin looked dazed at the sight of his bride and made to go down to meet her hallway but his best man but the scruff of his tux and pulled him back to the sound of a few titters and laughs. The ceremony went wonderfully, the vows your cousin made to his bride, they were sweet and loving and everybody teared up.

Afterwards as you were exiting the church, Q pulled you to the side. He tugged you into his arms protecting you from the surge of people that were leaving into the beautiful spring day. He kissed you chastely, your cousin bounded up the stairs. "Looks like you'll be next, sweet cousin. Just don't propose at the reception, okay. Mum will go nuts if anything happens that she doesn't like. Not that she wouldn't like you getting married." You laughed, "Q wouldn't do anything like that, and anyway if anything goes wrong. She will still find some way to blame it on me." He nodded, shook Q's hand "Great to meet you, I must be getting back to my bride. She made me come over here and say hi." He kissed your cheek, before practically skipping back to the waiting limo. Q chuckled and pulled you closer to him, "I like him."

"Me too." You kissed his cheek, "Come on our we'll be late." You tugged Q down the steps and he couldn't help but picture you in a white dress, with his ring on your finger. 

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