Spencer Reid x Teenager!Reader

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Requested by: @waston_spoton Hope you enjoy this one-shot. 

Reid would get you out of this. Reid would get you out of this. Reid would get you out of this. The sentence kept repeating itself, you were chained to a wall. The unsub the BAU was hunting had caught you. You had meet Reid at a chess tournament, you were a child prodigy already at university which was were you had met Reid. He had guest lectured for your psychology class and you had fallen for the subject of discovering what made people who they were. You had been staying at his place while your parents were out of town and being only 16, you didn't want to stay home alone. Not with a serial killer targeting women who looked similar to you.

You had been grabbed walking down the hall to his apartment after he had dropped you off. You knew he would be blaming himself for not bringing you to the BAU. He would be pacing, JJ would be trying to calm you down. Garcia would be trying find you. You had met the team at some point and they had all taken you under their wing. Reid would get you out of this. You huffed a breath, it fogged in the frigid air. You had lost count of the minutes you had been down here. Days according to the sliver of sunlight you could see from the small window. You hadn't eaten, drunk or slept. You had no idea how long you could hang in for. Reid would get you out of this.

Night was coming, you could feel it. The air was getting colder, the streaks of red were beginning to disappear. You could hear footsteps outside, whether it was him or Reid you didn't know. Steps began to echo outside the door. "FBI!" You grinned tiredly, losing your strength in every passing minute. "Y/N!" Reid would get you out of this. The door flew open and Reid's sneakers came into view. Reid would get you out of this. Your body flopped against Reid, you had no strength left. You tried to fight. Your eyes fluttered, Reid would get you out of this. "Come on, Y/N. You have to hang on, okay? You have to fight." Your eyes fluttered again as you fought to keep awake.

Reid would get you out of this.

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