Q x R!Reader

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"Right, so, we need to create, build and test this exploding pen because apparently, 007 runs the department." The last part of the sentence was muttered and tapered off. Q was obviously annoyed at the Double 0 agent. "Why would he want an exploding pen?" You questioned, looking up from the components, the magnifying glasses perched on the end of your nose. Q thought it made you look cute, you thought it made you look like an owl. "Blow up more of my equipment? Destroy everything he comes into contact with?" Q shook his head curls bouncing. You snickered, 007's failure to return any of Q's gadgets back in one piece or back at all as well as his ability to blow up just about anything was well known throughout MI6. You started to piece the pen together as Q set up the testing area. Q placed the dummy by the wall, as he turned he looked over at you, watching as you twisted a piece of hair away from your face. He wondered if it was soft. Shaking his head, he moved over to you and took the pen from your outstretched hand. "Three clicks, thirty seconds." You answered his questioning gaze. Q placed the pen in the shirt pocket. Before joining you at the safety area.

Thirty seconds.

Twenty seconds.

Ten seconds.

Silence then boom! You were flung away slightly while Q had fallen to the floor. "Well that went well." He stated, waiting for a quip from you. It never came. He turned and saw you lying a few feet away. "R!" He moved closer to you, adjusting your head so he could see the head wound with the trickle of blood that moved down your face. He checked your breathing. Signing in relief when he felt your warm breath on his hand. Racing feet became louder and louder. Moneypenny, 007, Tanner and M all entered the room. "Call an ambulance!" Q snapped. Moneypenny whipped her phone out while motioning for Bond to show the way. Tanner moved to help Q while M began to move classified material out of the way. Medics arrived. They began to move you, to a different room after stabilizing you.

Q watched as you disappeared with the ambulance, Bond with you. "What happened?" Moneypenny's voice shook. Tanner placed a hand on her shoulder. "The pen, it must....it must have had too many explosives." M shook his head. "At least she is going to be okay and that there was some damage." Q's eyes began to fill with tears. "This is all my fault. I should never have placed her in that position." M shook his head once again. "Her choices are not your fault." He placed his hand on the younger man's shoulder. "She is alive. It is not your fault." The three moved off to the hospital. Q watched as you slept, Bond had left taking Moneypenny back to her place as she kept falling asleep. Tanner had left too, something about national security and feeding your cats. M was on his way out when he turned to Q. "Three days off for you, a week for her. Tell her." Q nodded and M left. Q watched as your chest rose and fell with each breath. Your eyes fluttered open. "I love you, Y/N." 

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