lovesick (blesiv) pt.2

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"Have you ever thought about having a boyfriend?" alex said smiling.

"Umm yeah kinda" you said wondering what he was going to say next.

"i know we just met but can I take you out?" alex said.

"uhh, I don't know" you said worried.

"why?" he said getting upset.

"it's not you promise, but it's my parents... they won't let me date anyone" you said clearing the confusion.

"oh, who said anything about dating?" Alex said giggling.

"I thought that what you were getting at" you said blushing.

"oop well.. this is awkward" Alex said laughing.

"oh don't act like you didn't know I had a crush on you!" you said getting defensive.

he got up and hugging you laughing.

you guys were rocking side to side and he stopped and whispered in your ear.

"I was just teasing you, I wanted to ask you to be my date y/n" he said and started to look you in the face.

"oh- well yes I would love too" you said smiling.

he grabbed your hand and you guys started to walk home.

you felt sparks.

"sooo, umm you had a crush on me?" he said smiling.

"yes, I did" you said being sure of yourself.

"is that a problem?" you said stopping in your tracks and smirked.

"of course not, cause if it was then I would be calling myself a hypocrite" Alex said and looked at you smiling.

he grabbed your hand and intertwined your fingers with his.

"aww so, you have a crush on me.. is that what you are saying" you said giggling.

"yes, and it's only been one day.. but who can pass on a girl with such a great heartwarming personality like yours" he said and stopped at your door.

"aww that really made my day, your so cheesy" you said and lightly pinched his cheeks.

"so what time should I be ready by tomorrow?" you said smiling.

"uhh 7:30" alex said.

"where are we going by the way?" you said concerned.

"it's a surprise darling" he said and started walking away.

"ughh I hate surprises!" You said and laughed.

"well you will love this one!" he said and laughed along with you and passed a walk so you couldn't see him anymore.

you closed the door behind you and ran up to your room smiling from ear to ear.

when you got in your room you spectated your mom who was sitting on your bed looking at you.

"where were you?" she said worried.

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