true colors (multi x reader) pt. 4

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an: guys we did it, we made it to 2k in about two weeks! omg thank you guys so much🥂💞 hope you enjoy!
(monday morning)

you walked into the entrance of the school as eyes started following you around.

(your pov)

"what's your deal?" signa said.

"what do you mean?" you said looking at her confused.

"you totally cheated on gray? how could you" signa said pointing in your face.

"first off get your finger out my face, second off gray cheated on me with loren which you obviously knew cause your friends with that slut" you said yelling.

"how could you call her a slut, you were the one cheating you whore" ariel said pushing you.

you stumbled back and decided to walk off,
"im not having this right now" you said.

(fast forward)

you walked into last class of the day and sighed in relief that it was almost over.

you sat next to Zoe and smiled at her but she seemed upset.

"hey what's wrong?" you said.

"i didn't make the cheerleading team y/n, loren said i was too late on everything and she said that she doesn't like you so she won't choose me" Zoe said looking down.

"I'm sorry, I'll talk to her for you" you said and looked out the glass window to reveal loren walking to the restroom so you followed her.

"mrs. leigh, may i go to the restroom?" you said and she nodded so you ran out and into the restroom.

when loren walked out the stall you looked at her and she scoffed.

"you know i could file a restraining order for stalking right?" she said putting on lipstick.

"let Zoe on the team please, she is not me and I am not her.. what you have against me doesn't reflect on her personal self, I know for a fact that she is a great cheerleader she has been doing it for a couple years now, so I know what you said was bullshit.. just put her on the team" you said stressing over your words.

"i guess i can make some arrangements" she said fixing her hair.

"thanks, and I've been meaning to ask you some too..." you said fidgeting.

"make it quick" she said now fixing her makeup.

"why do you hate me so much, i mean we never really talk or actually even had a real convo in a long time.. and I've never said anything about you" you said and she gave you a serious look through the mirror she was looking at.

"I-I don't have time for this" she said walking away.

"you haven't awnsered my question" you said folding your arms.

"you want to know why, really.... remember in the fifth grade when you were popular, everyone knew you and every time someone mentions you in something, they automatically smile and talk about how amazing you are.. i was bullied by everyone and they made me feel miserable cause I was the ugly one, and you were the pretty one.. so that being said, it looks like the tables flipped around and bit you in the ass because now I'm popular and your the miserable one. how does it feel to get a taste of your own medicine?" loren said smirking.

"okay first of all, i would never label myself as popular, and I didn't even know that is what other people thought of me.. i may have been 'well known' but deep down inside i ALSO knew how to treat a person with respect, in not stuck up and selfish like you.. i actually care about people's feelings. you on the other hand, oh gosh don't get me started.. you are so arrogant and jealous of me that you tried to make my life a living hell, thinking that you won but honey you never win.. and even if you think you are living the best life rn, your life will be horrible in your future cause God absolutely doesn't like ugly and your on the top of the list for it sweetheart" you said snapping in her face.

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