in a heartbeat <3 (secret)

759 18 4

every girl and boy is given a birth necklace with their birthstone on it, and a unique shape.

every time you get closer to finding your soulmate it gets warmer if you get further away it gets colder.
author's abbrev.
y/b: your birthday
y/n: your name
y/l/n: your last name
your friends are going to be already named..

*at school*

"sooo do you think that you would find your soulmate by the end of high school?" loren said smirking.

"yeah but.. well what if... my mystery man is all the way across the world by now?" you said shrugging.

in reality you were just too scared of commitment and putting in all your love for a person you have never met.

"why are you always so skeptical about these things? you just need to loosen up" loren declared and nudged you smiling.

"what if i don't like this person back, and since we are 'meant for each other' now he has to wander the world knowing that his 'significant lover' doesn't feel the same about him.." you stated looking down.

*at home*

"hey sweetie! how was school?" your mom said.

she placed some cut up fruit on the table for you to eat.

"same old, loren asking me about my soulmate type of stuff" you said rolling your eyes.

"she is probably just looking out for you, like what friends do" your mom said smiling.

"mom, but what if... ya know... i never get to meet this person.. what if he found someone else or i don't know..-

"baby, i think you and your soulmate were destined to be together.. I don't think your birth nurse put you up with someone she knows wouldn't suit you.." your mom said.

"thank you mom.. i think I feel a little better" you said and went up stairs.

*at school*

"soo myrtle and y/n, are you willing to hang after school today.. chic-fil-a! my treat!" loren said waving money and getting excited.

"yes! ofc" both of you guys said and walking to class.

*trigonometry class*

your teacher was teaching a class and something happened to you.

*buzz* *buzz*

your necklace shook and got warm..
you jumped and looked at it.

"what the fuck.." you stated and got up and left the class.

when you got outside you jumped with excitement and texted loren.

*bell rang, lunchtime*

you guys were sitting together.

"my necklace buzzed! Loren im close to-

"wow for someone who was very doubtful, you seem to be very excited all of a sudden" loren said sarcastically.

"yeah but-

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