"i only had u" pt. 3 -elmo

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"exactly why i don't know why you would leave me for a girlfriend you hardly know but i hope she stays with you for a long time cause if you guys decide to break up and I'm not there, your going to want to have a shoulder to cry on and I am not going to help you.. so I hope you learned something" you said shrugging and shut the door.

after you shut the door you cried at the door and slip down the wall with your head in the palms of your hand.

two years passed and you and elmo graduated from high school.

you let your boyfriend spend the night and you went to go make him some breakfast while he was sleeping.

as you were getting out the stuff you need to make the breakfast you heard footsteps coming down the stairs into the kitchen.

"babe, where did you go?" you boyfriend groaned stumbling over to you.

"awww i wanted to surprise you with breakfast in bed" you said giggling as he wrapped his arms around you.

he looked so adorable with the blanket thrown over him and his bed hair.

he sat down and got on his phone.

"its hard to be asleep in bed when your partner leaves you and the bed gets cold" he says with a play pouty face.

"you're so cute when your clingy" you said kissing his cheek.

he blushes and gets up to help you make breakfast.

"i call making to scrambled eggs!" he says while. cracking them into the bowl.

"i love your famous scrambled eggs" you said winking at him.

"ooo can you make your worlds famous chocolate chips pancakes?! pleaseeee" he said getting excited.

"yes anything for my handsome king" you said smiling and stirring up the batter.

you smirked as you swiped your finger in the melted chocolate and wiped your finger on your boyfriend's cheek.

he gasped, "oh you are gonna pay!" he said and picked you up and tickled you.

you gasped for air from laughing too much and when you tried to get up, he wiped chocolate on the top of your nose.

you heard knocking at the door and you rolled your eyes and got up.

"you wanna finish the cooking while i see who it is?" you stated and he nodded his head and kissed your cheek.

you walked to the door and opened it slowly to reveal the face of someone you didn't want to see.

"hi" elmo said waving and scratching the back of his head.

"hey whats up?" you said keeping it cordial with him.

when you seen him a wave of emotion and memories filled your head.

"just wanted to see how you are doing" elmo said smiling.

"im doing...-

your boyfriend popped up behind you and cut you off.

"hey babe who is it?" he said.

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