oh shut up and just kiss me -bryce hall

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"ive fucking had enough of your petty ass shit y/n!" bryce yelled from the living room of your guys house.

"you're tired of my shit?!, my shit?! okay hold up!" you said walking out of the bedroom into the living room to tell him to his face.

"im tired of being with a all party boy, and hangs around other girls but never his own! im tired of you always getting us in trouble over your stupid actions, remember when we tried to have a road trip and you decided to bring fucking weed?! NOBODY TOLD YOU TO DO THAT. but bryce fucking hall does what the duck he wants, why?! because he is a narcissistic piece of shit!" you said storming into the kitchen for something to drink.

"okay fine, you want to bring up my past, then let's bring up yours. you have irritated me these past few weeks with you always hanging out with your girls and you talk shit behind my back but always know it will come back around to me in the end, which proves my damn point because we are having this argument. I am confused because one minute you tell me you like me and the next youre shoving your damn tongue down someone's throat! make up your damn mind because you are breaking mine." bryce said and he started tearing up.

he runs his fingers through his hair while plopping down on the couch.

you walked over to him and sat on the couch but in a distance.

you looked at the floor, and calmly stated, "well, to be fair.. I've felt the same way bryce. you haven't showed me much either. ever since your birthday party and those girls you were dancing with, I've noticed you changed. you said you also liked me back, but you haven't been showing it either. so... i don't know what you want to do, but im not about to get my heart broken for a guy who can't make up his mind as well." you said and then looking him in the face.

"y/n, i just want us to be together. i swear I've never felt so in love with someone, every time i dated someone, it was not as enjoyable as us, and we aren't even officially dating. i didn't even feel this way about addison. she was great but not as great as you babe. i want you, all of you, and only you." he said reaching to intertwine his fingers with yours.

you scooted closer to him as he wrapped his arms around your waist.

you felt his fingers run up and down your back which was so comforting.

"can we just cuddle, please?" he said looking you in the eyes and you approved.

so he laid down on the couch with you as the little spoon.

you reached your hand back to pay with his hair as he tapped you to turn facing him.

you guys kept eye contact as he played with your hands which made you and him blush.

he cleared his throat, "y/n?"

you replied, "yes bryce?"

he continued, "can i be your boyfriend? y/n, make me the happiest boy in the entire world, universe-

you smiled and interrupted him with a kiss on his lips. he held your face as you held his.

you felt his smiles in between your guys kissed that seemed to make you blush caus this smile was so cute.

after you guys finished, you looked at eachother in the eyes and just admired eachother.

and what mattered in that moment was what you two had. he held you so close to him that when you leaned into his chest you felt his heart beat race.

"you heart beats are fast" you said looking up at him.

as he looked at you he replied with, "well it's hard to keep calm when you are so beautiful, babe"

you buried your face into his shirt as you giggled.

authors note:

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