Part 1

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Edited 2/15/2020

Harry shuffled back upstairs to his room in the Dursley household. He had just finished doing some last minute chores pushed onto him by Petunia Dursley.

As he climbed up the stairs, he just barely missed running into the doorframe of his room. He did a double take before walking into his room and closing the door. He walked over to his bed and collapsed down onto it, face first.

Turning around, he looked at the ceiling. He thought about the upcoming year at Hogwarts. He wanted to go back to the place he called home, but was wary about his friends, Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger.

This last school year, they had begun to start acting weird. They distanced themselves from him toward the end of the year.

He had yet to get a letter from either of them. He wondered if he would hear from them at all.
Tomorrow would be his birthday, but he didn't think much of it, other than the fact that he would be turning 14. He looked at his alarm clock by his bed and saw that it was already 11:58 pm. Might as well stay awake for a couple more minutes he thought to himself.
As the clock turned 12:00, he sang a quiet happy birthday to himself.

He smirked to himself as he thought of the upcoming year at Hogwarts, hoping he wouldn't have another life threat situation and that he could finally have a somewhat normal year!

With those thoughts in mind, he slowly slipped into a light sleep.


Harry woke up the next morning at 6:00.

He laid in bed for a moment, wishing that he didn't have to get up and that he didn't have to endure this family any longer.

But he got up anyway, changed into some fresher clothes and quietly opened his bedroom door.

He didn't hear anything so he quietly opened his door all the way and silently made his way to the bathroom.

Once he was done in the bathroom he walked back down the stairs and into the kitchen. He got out a pan and put a pad of butter in it, while turning on the burner the pan was on.

Once the butter was melted and distributed around the pan, he started to make the eggs and bacon that he would serve for breakfast.

He was almost done when he heard a door open upstairs.

Great! They decided to wake up today. Harry thought. Just as he was distributing the breakfast onto three separate plates, the Dursleys came down for breakfast.

"Hurry up with our breakfast, boy!" Vernon yelled, "You better not have burned anything this time!"

After hearing Vernon yelling, Harry quickly gathered the plates and brought them to the dinning room where his Uncle Vernon, Aunt Petunia, and Cousin Dudley were all sitting.

He set the plates down in front of them. "Go fetch us something to drink, freak!" Petunia screeched.

Harry almost flinched away from how loud she was being. He scurried away to the kitchen and got out three glasses. He filled each of them with orange juice and carefully picked all three of them up, walking slowly as to not spill them.

He walked back to the dining room and started to hand out the glasses. He had already given his Aunt Petunia hers and as he walked around to give Dudley and his Uncle Vernon theirs, he tripped and the glasses flew out his hands, spilling their contents all over the people seated at the table.

He tried to catch the cups but missed and they shattered when they hit the wooden flooring.

Harry mentally cursed himself for being so clumsy. Suddenly he heard one of the chairs screech against the floor as his Uncle Vernon stood up from the table, seething with anger towards Harry.

"Get up boy!" Vernon shouted, Harry fearfully and cautiously stood up, keeping his eyes pointed to the floor.

"Look at what you did! You ruined our meal!" Vernon shouted, Harry flinched.

Suddenly Harry had felt searing pain in his side and doubled over from just being hit by his Uncle.

His uncle hit him again, this time Harry fell to the floor. Vernon kicked him hard in the side over and over again until Harry was sure that he could feel a crack forming in one of his ribs.

After kicking him once more, Vernon shouted at him to clean up the mess he had made.

Harry tried to get up, he couldn't at first, but he tried again and he slightly managed to crawl back into the kitchen.

Once in the kitchen, he leaned up against one of the counters, trying to steady himself as he attempted to stand. After a few seconds of catching his breath, he grabbed a dish rag and hurried back out to where the mess was so he could clean it up.

Once he was done he scurried back into the kitchen to dispose of the broken glass and to wait until breakfast was over.

After a little while, Petunia barged into the kitchen.
"Clean up the dining room table! After that here is your list of chores for today." Petunia ordered him, dropping the list before she even finished her sentence.

Once she walked out of the kitchen, Harry hobbled over to the list on the floor and slowly picked it up.

Once he had the list in his hands he stuffed it into his pocket and headed out into the dinning room.

When he had finished with the table and the dishes, he looked at the list. He sighed and looked at all the things he was tasked to do that day. It would be a long day.


As it neared the end of the day, Harry was done with all but a few things on the list, but first he needed to make dinner.

Unfortunately, this was not his day.

He had accidently burned the vegetables and didn't have time to try and remake them. At that moment, he swore life was out to get him!

He hesitantly brought out dinner, knowing what was coming. As he set down the plate in front of Vernon, he tried not to flinch too hard as the man yelled, "WHAT IS THIS! ARE YOU TRYING TO KILL US WITH YOUR ATROCIOUS COOKING SKILLS!"

Harry took a small step backwards, cowering away from the beating he knew was coming.

Vernon came at him, dragging him up to Harry's room. Once there, Vernon threw Harry up against the wall and started to repeatedly hit and kick him, all while yelling at him, calling him names like, freak, worthless, mistake, and many more things to bring down Harry's self worth. 

Once Vernon was done, he left, slamming the door behind him. Harry was left bleeding and broken, on the verge of slipping unconscious. The last thing he thought to himself was someone help me.


Many miles away, a certain black haired man was getting ready to leave a cauldron to set over night when he heard a faint voice call for help.

He listened carefully. When he heard it again he recognized it to be Potters voice.

At first he wanted to ignored the call, but the black haired man felt a sudden need to go and see what was wrong with the boy calling out to him.

He put the potion he was working with down and quickly apperated to Harry's room at #4 Privet Dr.

What he found there shocked him.

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