Part 8

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Once Hayden had given Draco a small tour of some the halls in the mansion, they both ended up in Hayden's room sitting on his bed. But instead of talking, they just kinda sat there in an awkward silence. After a minute or two, the silence was finally broken.

"So, are you excited to be enrolling in Hogwarts?" Draco questioned. Hayden had to think carefully about his answer since he's been there since first year, but of course, Draco doesn't know that.

"Yes, I am happy to be able to continue my education there!" Hayden said with a small smile. Draco smiled back. I wish I could see that smile more often, it makes him look absolutely beautiful! Wait...what am I thinking! Am I crushing on Draco? Hayden thought to himself, trying not let the surprise show on his face. He looked down with slight blush dusting his cheeks.

God he's beautiful! Draco thought as he saw the other boy look away and blush. I think i'm falling even harder for him! Draco blushed as well. Again silence enveloped the room.

"So, I heard your father is going to be throwing a ball for you?" Draco inquired. Hayden looked back up to Draco.

"Umm, yeah. He said he's doing because I came home. I've never been to a ball before though" Hayden said shyly. Draco smiled sweetly at him again. Hayden blushed at the sight. "Well, I'll most likely be there, so I can hang out with you and make sure you don't embarrass yourself" Draco teased.

Hayden playfully glared at him, he then realised something, causing him to nervously ask, "Do you think you might be able to teach me how to dance?" Draco stared at him, a bit shocked.

"You don't know how to dance?" Draco was confused. How can he not know how to dance? Hayden just shook his head, his cheeks heating up again, bit this time it was from embarrassment.

I shouldn't have asked. Hayden berated himself. Of course I should know how to dance, but I've never even had the space to try it out at the Dursleys.

"I would love to be able to teach you" Draco responded with after minute. Hayden looked up, happy that he was wrong.


After much convincing, Draco was able to get Hayden to agree to practicing with him right then and there. After about 2 ½ hours, Hayden was starting to get a hang of the different dances he might have to do.

"You're doing great!" Draco praised, "Your a natural!" he said as the two were dancing with the most fluidity they have had in the past couple hours of practicing. Hayden tried to hide his blush after thanking Draco.

Now that Hayden actually knew what he was doing, he began to notice more how close Draco and he were. Draco's arm was wrapped around his waist, his hand on his lower back. Draco's other hand was holding onto his own while he had his hand resting on Draco's shoulder. They were extremely close, so close that he could see perfectly into Draco's silver eyes. They were enchanting to look and Hayden soo found himself staring.

Draco had absolutely no problem with development. In fact, he was enjoying the turn, immensely. He absolutely loved how cute Hayden was, and how perfect Hayden seemed to be. Draco fought hard against the urge to kiss the boy, not wanting to frighten him off.

He barely noticed, though, that while has looking back into Hayden's eyes, they had slowly started to lean into each other. When he did notice he thought it was the most natural thing in the world. Right when there lips were merely an inch apart a knock was heard on Hayden door.

Hayden seemed to come to his senses at the interrupting noise and lent backwards, blushing hard. What was I just about to do! I can't believe I almost kissed him. Hayden thought as he glanced toward Draco.

"Yes?" Draco called, looking at the door, a little annoyed that their perfect moment had been ruined. Once he turned back to Hayden though, he noticed that he was on the other side of the room sitting on his bed with a thoughtful look on his face.

Hayden's mother came into the room after hearing Draco call out. "I came in to check on you two. How are you both doing?" Severus said as he stood by the door, peeking his head into the room. "Were doing f-fine, mother, thank you. Did you need something?" Hayden rushed out. Severus turned confused to Hayden. "I cam up to tell you two that dinner will be ready soon, come down and join the rest of us" with that he left the two teens still in the room.

"Um, we should probably start heading down" Hayden told Draco, calming down a bit. Draco nodded and waited for Hayden to stand before they both left the room to head downstairs for dinner.

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