Part 55

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Draco came back into the sitting to see that Hayden went there anymore and the glass doors leading to the garden were open.

Hoping that Hayden was in the garden, Draco made his way outside.

Draco started walking through the paths in the garden, looking for Hayden. 

Soon enough, Draco heard laughing. Knowing that it was Hayden's little laugh he was hearing, he followed the sound until he found Hayden with Nagini.

Hayden was clinging to Nagini's neck with his arms and legs as Nagini slithered around the ground and up into the trees and through the branches until finally making it back down, then finding a new tree to start the process over with.

Draco found a bench nearby to sit down on as he watched Hayden having fun with Nagini. He had missed the sound of his mates laughter so much during the past month or so he was asleep.

Hayden had never talked about his childhood with Draco and even if memories came up they never seemed to be good, so he never asked about them.
He's happy that Hayden is getting the chance to relive his childhood with happy memories this time, but he worries about what changes might come about because of it. 

"Hi Daco!" Hayden called out from the branch he and Nagini were on, effectively breaking Draco out of his thoughts.

The blonde looked up and smiled and the little boy attached to the snakes neck. "Hello Hayden, did you find another friend" Draco chuckled.

Hayden beamed, rapidly nodding his head. "Dis is my fend Naini!" Hayden said to Draco before directing towards Nagini, "Dat's my Daco!"

Draco blushed, even as a baby, Hayden is the cutest thing in the world to him.

"Daco, watch!" Hayben called excitedly. "Catch me!" The little boy yelled as he jumped from Nagini's neck into Draco's, hopefully, waiting arms. 

Draco almost had a panic attack when he saw the boy take off from the high tree branch! He ran as fast as he could, his wings coming out behind him, as he slid to try and catch Hayden before he hit the ground.

When Draco didn't feel anything fall into him, he panicked even more, thinking he missed. He hesitantly opened his eyes, seeing that he had fallen in his back in the ground, his wings spread out underneath him.

He looked around where he was laying, not seeing any trace of where Hayden could be. It was when he heard a giggle from up above him is when he looked up to see the end of Nagini's tail wrapped around Hayden's waist keeping him suspended in the air.
Draco heaved a sigh of relief.

He could hear the snake saying something to Hayden, he didn't know what, but he could tell that Hayden could as his giggling stopped.
"I sowy, Daco. I di'nt mean to scaye you" Hayden said solemnly.

"It's alright, baby. Just don't do it again" Draco said with a strained smile. He loved Hayden, but he didn't know how much more he could take if Hayden continued to pull stuff like that.

Draco looked back up when he heard, Hayden began to whimper, reaching his arms out to Draco.
Draco smiled, flying up a bit so that he could take Hayden in his arms, soon flying back to the ground.
Hayden immediately latched his little arms around Draco's neck, not wanting to let go.

Draco looked back at the snake lounging on the tree branch, watching them. "Thank you" Draco nodded before heading back inside with Hayden in his arms.

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