Part 50

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Soon both Draco and Serverus had to return to Hogwarts to finish out the semester. It was a very difficult decision to make, but they had to go back.

The Order had started to stir up trouble, and rumors were starting to be heard that they were up to something that could hurt the dark.

So in order to try and keep watch both Draco and Severus went back to the school, although very begrudgingly.

It has almost been an entire month since the last task had happened, and Hayden has still not regained consciousness. In fact he has started to look steadily worse.


It is finally the end of the semester at Hogwarts and nobody is more ready to go home than a particular blonde Malfoy and the Potions Master.

The two had quickly gathered up all their belongings the night before so they could floo back to Riddle Manor as soon as they could the next morning.

Right when they stepped out of the fireplace, Draco was gone. He couldn't wait to see how Hayden was doing, even if he knew he wasn't doing well.


That night at dinner, the only people at the table were Tom and Severus as Draco couldn't bring himself to leave Hayden again for even a second.

The majority of the dinner was spent in silence, but after a while, it became too uncomfortable to not say what was on their minds.

"I can tell that you're worried. There is no need to hide it" Severus pointed out.

"Well, I am worried"

"About Hayden?"

"Yes, of course about Hayden, but everyone else as well" Tom replied.

"Yes, I am especially worried about Draco. Losing ones mate is possibly the hardest thing for a creature to go through" Severus said.


Draco made his way up the stairs to Hayden's room as soon as he got to Riddle Manor, declining the invitation to dinner on the fact that he can't be away from Hayden any longer.

Once he opened the door to Hayden's room, a weight seemed to lift from his shoulders, but the sense of dread that had taken hold of him didn't.

He carefully made his way to Hayden's bedside, taking a seat on the chair placed by his bed.

Draco just looked at Hayden quietly, Hayden had gotten even paler since he was here last, almost to the point where he looked grey. He looked dead, but bit he Severus and Tom has ensured him enough to convince him that he is not.

One wing had almost entirely crumbled into an ash like dust, while the other was only partially crumbled.

"Hey love, I'm back" Draco whispered slowly.

"It's not the same without you at school, and the whole Slytherine house knows it. Probably even the other houses too" Draco chuckled before gaining a serious expression again.

"It's been quiet. Not much has happened. In fact, the house has been very sullen and just down" Draco looks to his hands, at a loss for what to say next.

"Severus' classes have been amusing to a point. I don't think Gryfindor has ever lost so many points so before!" Draco says, looking back to Hayden.

"I miss you. Everyone misses you, even Granger and Weasley asked about you the other day. They wanted to know where you were and why you had seemed to just drop off the face of the earth. I couldn't tell if they were being serious or not either"

The silence returned, and Draco was having a hard time trying to fill it.

The silence reigned for too long, and soon, a tear could be seen dripping down the side of Draco face.

"I miss you so much!" Draco choked out in a whisper, trying not to break down again.

"I love you Hayden, I love you so, so much! Please, come back to me" Draco whispered as more tears streamed down the sides of his face.

He slowly stood from the chair, before leaning down towards Hayden, pressing their lips together gently.

Draco smiled sadly as he pulled back, a tear landing on Hayden's cheek.

As Draco stood back up, he noticed something wrong. Hayden's skin, which had been a pale grey, seemed to darken, and before his eyes, Hayden crumbled into ash.

Draco looked on, horrified, his eyes wide and filled with tears. He couldn't move, couldn't make a sound.

The image of Hayden being turned into a pile of ash burned into his mind.


"Oh god" Tom said as he felt the alarm his wand gave him.

"What is it?" Severus asked, worried.

I put a spell on Hayden that would alert me to anything that happens to Hayden. It just went off" Tom replied, almost sounding panicked.

The two rushed from the table they were sitting st and into Hayden's room to see what happened. But when they opened the door, all they saw was a pile of ash in the bed, and Draco huddled into a corner, crying.

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