Part 29

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As Draco and Hayden were walking back to their dorm that night, Draco was thinking of possible ways on getting Hayden out of the tournament.

"Are you sure you don't want me or my father to go the Ministry to force them into letting you out of the tournament?" Draco asked, almost pleading with the other to let him do this.

"No Dray, I have to compete. I don't think there is anything to be done against it. Now, can we please stop talking about it?" Hayden replied, edging on harsh.

"I just can't bare the thought of getting seriously injured and the fact that there might be something I could do to prevent that!" Draco tried.

"Do you think that I wouldn't be able to handle the different challenges! Draco I have gone up against Voldemort many times and all of those times were near death experiences. I think I can protect myself just fine!" Hayden said, boarding on angry.

"I know that you can handle yourself, but you said it yourself. All those experiences were death for you! I can't just stand by and watch you get hurt or even die Hayden!"

"Oh, but you have, for three years, and during those three years you only added to that suffering!" Hayden shot back angrily.

"What are you talking about? I could never, would ne-"

"Oh stop it! Even though my name is Hayden Riddle now, I still lived life as Harry Potter. Every single day of that life was made a living hell because of all the dangers I was put through. Both here and at home, you constantly bullying me only made it worse, so don't act like you care all of sudden. Just because I look different and I have different name, doesn't mean you can forget what you did to me." Hayden cried, tears starting fall from his ruby eyes.

With that he walked straight through the portrait and into their dorm, locking it so Draco couldn't get in.

Draco was left outside of the portrait, drowning in his confusion and guilt.


When Draco finally entered the common room, he was met with the glares of the few Slytherins who were in the room and not in their dorms. One of them being Blaise, who walked right up to him. 

My Slytherin Prince ( Discontinued Version )Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum