Part 10

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Hayden stood in front of the mirror in his room, making sure that everything was its place before he went down. The guests had started arriving about an hour ago, and now it is almost time him for him join them all. He was smoothing out his dress when he heard a knock on the door.

    "Come in" he called. He looked at the door as it opened and saw his father walk through. "You look beautiful" Tom complianted. Hayden looked down at himself and blushed.

"Are you ready to go down?" his father asked while holding out his arm

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"Are you ready to go down?" his father asked while holding out his arm. Hayden smiled and took his father's arm as they went out of the room and down the stairs that led to the ballroom.


    After Hayden was introduced, he had free reign to do whatever he wanted for the rest of the ball, and the first thing he did was try to find a particular blond someone.

    As he walked through the crowd of people, he kept getting stopped by various people who wanted to ask a question of him or congratulate him on his return. He politely smiled and thanked and answered the questions.

    He soon started to get a bit annoyed with all the questions and the fact that he was finding it difficult to find Draco. Where could he be? I'm pretty sure I looked everywhere! He frustratingly thought.

    Hayden eventually found himself outside in the garden, needing a break from the crowds in the room. He was enjoying himself. He had met many people, most were followers of his father, but overall they seemed like decent enough people. There weren't many people there his age, but he was fine with that. He was beginning to wonder if Draco really had come.

    "Enjoying the stars?" a voice asked from behind Hayden.

    "Hayden quickly turned around, spooked from the sudden voice in the previously quiet garden. He saw a pair of silver eyes smiling back at him. "Where have you been, I've been looking for you everywhere!" Hayden said chuckling as he walked closer to Draco.

    "I was around" Draco told him with his signature smirk. Hayden felt his heart flutter at the sight. "Walk with me?" Draco asked while holding his arm to Hayden, hoping that he would accept.

    Hayden gladly took his arm and they started to slowly walk around the paths in the garden. They walked for a couple minutes until they came to a gazebo.

    "I have something I want to tell you" Hayden said, breaking the comfortable silence. Draco motioned for the both of the them to sit down and waited for Hayden to continue.

    "You know what an inheritance is, right?" Hayden asked after a moment. "Of course I do" Draco responded. "I've been through one".

    Hayden was not expecting that. His surprise must've shown on his face because the next thing he knew, Draco had stood up and two big white-silver wings unfurled from behind him.

    Hayden sat there staring up at Draco with shock. He had not expected this at all.  He stood up and walked to Draco, who was facing away from him, and held his hand up to Draco's wing, softly stroking the feathers there.

    Draco sighed in contentment while feeling Hayden's soft hands against his wings. They stopped too soon, when they did he turned around so the two were facing each other.

    "I'm guessing you know what a Veela is?" Hayden nodded, not connecting the two. Draco let Hayden think for a second. After a second or two Hayden looked at him with two big ruby eyes.

    "You're a Veela" Hayden said quietly. Draco smiled. "Yes, I am" Draco replied.

    Hayden abruptly stepped backwards, away from Draco. At first Draco was surprised, and a little hurt, at the sudden motion, but stopped at what Hayden said next.

    "I have something to show you,too" Hayden said blushing. He had kept his wings hidden since his inheritance, so it took him a second of concentration for him to be able to bring his wings out.

    Draco's eyes widened at seeing the beautiful golden wings, practically glowing from behind the ebony haired boy. "You're a Phoenix" Draco whispered, falling for Hayden even more than when he had him.

    Hayden blushed and looked down, somehow embarrassed. Draco slowly took a few steps closer to the boy he knew was his mate. "Hayden" Draco whispered while gently tilting the smaller boys head up to face him.

Draco started to lean, ever so slightly. Both their hearts beating in anticipation.  They kept leaning in toward each other, neither one shying away. Hayden's eyes fluttered closed as he felt Draco's breath on his lips.

Not wanting to wait any longer, Hayden closed the distance between them. Their lips met, gently pressing against each other.

As they kissed, Draco instinctually wrapped his wings around the two of the two as Hayden's wings seemed to glow brighter.

Draco broke the kiss, seeing as they were running out of air. Hayden breathed deeply, wrapping his arms around Draco's neck in a hug, while Draco's wrapped around his waist.

"My mate" Hayden said while nuzzling his face into Draco's chest. Draco just hugged him tighter.

After a couple minutes of just embracing each other, they startled away from each other when they heard Hayden's mother calling for his son to rejoin the party.

Willing their wings away, they made their way back inside.

"Do you think you could stay for tonight?" Hayden asked Draco, not wanting to be apart from him. Draco smiled, "I'll have to tell my parents, but yes. I can" Draco said, placing a small kiss on the top of the smaller boys head.


    After the ball and everyone went home, Hayden was looking forward to spending the night with his newly found mate.

    "Mother, father, is it okay if Draco spends the night?" Hayden asked his parents. Draco was telling his parents, so Hayden thought he should do the same. "Why?" his father asked, even though he was pretty sure he knew the reason. He could smell the difference with his son the moment he walked into the room.

    "Um..." Hayden didn't really know what to say, he hadn't expected the question. "Is he your mate?" Severus asked, but it sounded like he already knew the answer.

    Hayden blushed bright red and nodded. "Send him in, I want to talk with him" Tom said with an unreadable expression on his face.

    Suddenly Hayden was very nervous. What is going to say him? Hayden thought worryingly as he went to get the blonde.

    Draco was already walking his way when they found each other. "My parents want to talk with you" Nervousness flashed across Draco's face his usually expression found its place again.

    Hayden led Draco to where his parents were, and was sadly asked to wait outside while they discussed some things. Hayden went to sit on the staircase nearby to wait for Draco to come out.

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