Part 4

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"Hurry into the nursery, hide the baby! Don't let him find him!" James said to as he handed baby Harry over to Lily. Lily took the child and hurried upstairs and into the nursery just as the door burst open and with a flash of light, a man with pale skin, short, wavy brown hair, and crimson red eyes stepped into the house.

"Where is he?" Tom Riddle demanded. "You will not take him away from us!" James shouted! Tom just laughed.

"How can I steal something that already belongs to me! You cannot hide him forever! Give him to me and I might just give you a quick, painless death" Tom replied. "You don't deserve him. I refuse to hand the boy over just to let him lead a life of fear and danger from you and the rest of your crazy followers! The boy deserves a far better life than you can ever provide!" James yelled at Tom. Tom, though, was no longer in any mood to keep up this meaningless conversation.

"I will give you one more chance to give me the right answer" Tom said darkly, "Give me my little boy!" James just glared at him. "Nev-"

"AVADA KEDAVRA" Tom yelled as he ran past James and up the stairs and to the room that he knew his baby boy was in. He went up to the closed door of the nursery and listened. He could faintly hear the quiet wimpers of his little baby on the other side. He was even angrier now! The door to the nursery flew open and he walked in to see the red headed woman holding his baby, trying to quiet him down.

Lily looked toward the man in front of her with fear in her eyes. "I will only ask you this once. Give me my son!" Tom demanded once again. Lily looked at him with defiance on her face. Tom had had just about enough of the Potters and as Lily was just about to deny him his son, he killed her.

He walked over to her corpse, and sitting just behind her was his son. His little baby stopped crying when he saw him and held out his arms, wanting to be picked up. He smiled at his little boy as he picked him up off the floor and carried him away from the dead body in the room.

"Dadda!" the baby giggled and Tom gave the biggest smile he had ever given. He had never heard his child speak before, and he was glad that he was here to listen. "It's time to take you home, little Hayden. Your mother has been worried sick about you" Tom said while hugging his child close. "Mamma" the baby giggled again while drifting off to sleep in his father's hold.

"Well isn't this touching" a voice said from behind Tom. He quickly turned around to see Dumbledore pointing his wand towards him. Tom sent a menacing glare his way while hold his child even closer to him to try and keep him safe. "Don't dare try and take my son away ever again" the man said. The old wizard just laughed and took a few steps closer. "Im sorry it has to end this way, but either you give up the child or it has to die, and it appears you have already made your decision" Dumbledore said as he aimed his wand at the baby still in Tom's arms.

Toms eyes widen in fear for his child. "Avada Kedavra" the old man said loudly. "NO" Tom yelled as he shielded the baby, the spell hit him instead and he disappeared in a green flash while baby Hayden was left crying for his father.

(Harry will now be referred to mostly as Hayden unless said otherwise)

Hayden shot up from the dream with tears in eyes.

"Hayden! Are you alright? What happened?" Severus rushed over the bed the boy was put in and hugged him close. Hayden hugged him back just as tightly. "Mom?" Hayden asked. "I'm here" Severus assured. After Hayden had calmed down they released the hug and looked at eachother.

"You look so much like your father" Severus said softly. He pointed to a mirror on the wall beside the bed. Hayden stood up and went to stand in front of the mirror. He was now a couple inches taller and his hair had grown out another inch, now reaching his shoulders. It was black like his mothers, but wavy like his fathers. His eyes had turned a crimson red, but maintained the black and gold rings both inside and outside the irises. He looked slightly more feminine now more than he did an hour or two ago. He had to admit, he really like his new look!

He turned back to his mother and smiled! "Are you ready to go, Hayden?" the older man asked. Hayden nodded. Once they left Gringotts, Hayden asked where they were going to next.

"You need a new wardrobe, what you have on now barely fits you, and I am sure that you have yet to get your schools supplies for the upcoming year. Am I correct?" Hayden sheepishly nods. Severus smiles and leads them into a clothing store.

Hayden starts looking around the store, but finds himself gravitating towards the women's section. Severus had expected this, so he went over to Hayden and handed him a dress telling him to go try it on. It was a simple red dress, but he thought it looked great on him. He popped his head out of the curtain of the dressing room. "Mother? Is it unusual for me to want to wear a dress?" Severus smiled at him. "It is perfectly normal, in fact it is to be expected. Because you are a submissive you tend to look a bit more feminine. It is normal for you to want to wear a dress" Hayden smiled.  They left the store with a whole new wardrobe for Hayden. Once they had gotten all of Hayden school books and supplies, they were on their way to return home.

Once they had apperated back they both had made sure that all of Hayden's new things were put in their right places. When they had finished, Hayden had plopped down on his bed and almost immediately, he was asleep. Severus tucked him into his bed and silently left the room.

Should I tell Tom that I have found him. Would that be best considering who he was? Severus thought. It wouldn't be fair though, to keep them separated, especially for Hayden. Severus made up his mind. He was going to go talk to Tom.

He wasn't sure how this talk was going to go. They haven't been on the best of terms lately. It's for Hayden though. With that thought he flooed to Riddle Manor.

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